Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Issue 91: December 2022, Article-9

- 2022/12/14

Uṣūl Issues Premised Upon the Word of Allaah: ((Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. * It is not but a revelation revealed)) [An-Najm: 3 – 4]”.

Abdullaah bin Ahmad Al-Sharif
Assistant Professor of Uṣūl al-Fiqh, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Sciences and Arts in Namaas, University of Bisha 
Issue 91 Pages:138-158 | December 2022 | | PDF
Received:23/06/2022 | Revised:10/10/2022 | Accepted:13/10/2022 | Online:14 December 2022


Perhaps it is a known fact that the Science of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence (Uṣūl al-Fiqh) is among the most beneficial and noblest sciences, and among its greatest sources is the Qur’an and Sunnah, and Uṣūl issues derived from both, and since the Word of Allaah: ((Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. * It is not but a revelation revealed)) [An-Najm: 3 – 4] is among the greatest verses in terms of its reference to several issues of Uṣūl, hence, the importance of investigating those issues. And the explanation of the strong correlation between the noble Qur’an and the science of Uṣūl al-Fiqh, and the topic of this research is: Uṣūl Issues Premised Upon the Word of Allaah: ((Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. * It is not but a revelation revealed)) [An-Najm: 3 – 4]”.  And the nature of the research made it necessary that it be divided into: an introduction – which includes: the importance of the research, its problems, its objectives, previous studies, research plan, its methodology -, a preface, two topics: the first topic: on the reference of the two noble verses to the agreed upon proofs, and the second topic on the reference of the two noble verses to the ways of justification, and the conclusion, the bibliography.

The researcher relied in his methodology on compiling the Uṣūl issues premised on the two verses from the books of Uṣūl and exegesis.

And among the most important findings of the research include: That the legal texts takes precedence by the scholars of Uṣūl over rational proofs, and that there are issues of Uṣūl that are shared by the scholars of Uṣūl and the exegetes, and that issues of Uṣūl premised on the two glorious verses are found in the agreed upon proofs, and ways of inference.

At the end of the research: the researcher enjoins all researchers on the fear of Almighty God and giving attention to the book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the prophet –peace and blessing upon him-, because both are full of Uṣūl issues that need investigation and study, and also writing on issues of maqaasid that were premised on the Sharī’ah texts, because they also worth being researched and studied.


Issues – fundamental – premises – nor does he speak – revelation.

How to Cite 

Al-Sharif, A. (December 2022), “Uṣūl Issues Premised Upon the Word of Allaah: ((Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. * It is not but a revelation revealed)) [An-Najm: 3 – 4]”, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.91. pp.  138-158


