Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Frequently Asked Questions about the Results and Equivalence Department

  • How can the ‘absent’ grade be given?
    The grade (absent) is given to the student who attended the whole semester and did not attend the final exam only.
  • What does grade (IP) mean?
    Grade (In) means incomplete and often refers to research courses such as graduation projects and summer training.
  • How is the GPA calculated?
    The students can submit a request to register in a course whose prerequisites have not been fulfilled in the second phase, in order for the department to study the request and take the suitable decision.
  • What does grade (S) mean?
    Grade (S) means that the course teacher did not register the outcome in the e-service at the defined time.
  • When may an amendment request be submitted?
    The Deanship of Admission and Registration shall provide an amendment form for the modification of a student's grades after having all the required data has been completed through electronic archiving by the department offering the course.
  • What does grade (IC) mean?
    It means (continuous) intervention by the course teacher to continue in the next semester and is given to the annual courses such as courses of medical colleges.
  • What are the procedures for changing grades?
    The student should present an acceptable excuse in which he points out the causes of his absence from the final exam to the department head. Documents confirming the authenticity of these causes should be submitted. If the application is accepted, an amendment form should be filled in and sent officially to the Deanship of Admission and Registration within one semester as a maximum.
  • What are the rules of issuing a denial to study?
    A denial to study is issued to students whose absence exceeds 30% of the total lectures for the entire semester.
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