Orientation programs for new students to familiarize them with the study and examination system, to facilitate the necessary adaptation to university studies, and to acquaint them with their rights and duties.
Guidance programs to help students with special needs to accomplish, during their university life, the highest degrees of psychological and social adjustment and academic achievement according to their academic capacities, to identify their problems and work on solving them, and to provide training opportunities for them according to their field of study and needs.
Guidance programs for students who have experienced academic failure to assist them in overcoming their academic difficulties and achieve success, and help them to overcome the obstacles and problems they may encounter.
Induction programs for outstanding students to help them continue to excel in their educational careers, which creates an incentive for them to achieve more success and be a motivation for others to strive for excellence.
Induction programs for scholarship students to help them proceed with their study and assist them in overcoming any obstacles or problems they may encounter in order to become good advocates for our universities in the future.
Induction programs for all students to help them improve their level of education and academic achievement.