Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Dr. Sami F. al-Hazemi

- 2017/04/07

Sheikh Dr. Sami F. al-Hazemi

Assistant Professor at Umm Al-Qura University - Legal Studies Department

Major:  Shari'ah

Minor: Jurisprudence (Fiqh)


1- Rules of Adhan and Iqama [Call to Prayer] - a comparative jurisprudence study - Dare ibn Eljwzi Publishing House

2- تولي المرأة وظيفة المأذون الشرعية [Woman as Marriage Officiant] - مجلة البحوث الفقهية المعاصرة [Contemporary Jurisprudence Research Journal] - 85th Edition

3- الموالاة في أعمال الحج (Arrangement and Order of Hajj Performance) - A comparative jurisprudence study - مجلة البحوث الإسلامية [Islamic Research Magazine] - 92nd edition.

4- ترك ولاة الأمر والأئمة الصلاة على الفساق سياسة [Leaders' Refrain from Observing Funeral Prayer on Dissolute People is Politics], Islamic Research Magazine - 95th edition.

5- إذن ولي الأمر في إقامة صلاة الجمعة في أكثر من موضع بالبلد [Permission from Leader to Call for Friday Prayer in More Than One Place at the Same Time] - Al Hikma Magazine

6- صلاة الغائب على الموتى والشهداء [Absentee and martyr funeral prayer) - A comparative jurisprudence study - Islamic Research Magazine - 103th edition.

7- سؤال الصدقة ودفعها داخل المسجد [Request for Alms and Payment at Mosque] - A comparative jurisprudence study - Islamic Research Magazine

8- The rule:  ما حرم أخذه حرم إعطاؤه - [What is forbidden to take is forbidden to give] - Applied Fundamental Research - Saudi Jurisprudence Society Magazine, edition 20

9- Dissolute person's curatorship in marriage - A comparative jurisprudence study - Saudi Jurisprudence Society Magazine

10- The rule: إذا تعارضت المصالحُ والمفاسد, تُحصّل أعظم المصلحتين بتفويتِ أدناهما، وتُدفع أعظم المفسدتين باحتمالِ أدناهما, Applied Fundamental Research in Shari'ah Policy - Islamic Studies and Academic Researches Magazine, Cairo, edition 51

11- أثر الفسق على القاضي [Effect of Dissoluteness on Judge] - A comparative jurisprudence study, Justice Magazine, the Ministry of Justice

12- التفريق بين الزوجين لإعسار الزوج بالنفقة [Separating Couples Due to the Husband's Insolvency] - Islamic Studies and Academic Researches Magazine, Cairo

13- خدمة الزوجة لزوجها [Wife's Services at House for Husband] - A comparative jurisprudence study

