Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Scientific Research

- 2019/03/13

Scientific Research

In view of the research priorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in an effort from the College of Engineering in Al-Leith to perform its role in the field of scientific research and attain a prestigious position among other colleges, the administration of the College along with its teaching members adopt a research policy that strengthens cooperation and coordination in order to provide the best scientific research that will serve the national and international communities.

The College adopts a research policy based on the following criteria:

The first criterion is to encouraging teaching members to have an effective and renewed presence in the field of research through publishing their works in leading scientific journals, participating in international and national specialized conferences, obtaining patents, executing research projects with industrial companies and agencies.

The second criterion is to form specialized research groups through which the teaching members exchange ideas and opinions and cooperate in conducing joint research. In addition, the College encourages building a strong research relationship with other national and international groups. (The number of supported joint research and projects is the most important performance indicator under this criterion.)

The third criterion is to exert relentless efforts to make the College a hub of research excellence in specific fields at the national and regional levels.

The third criterion is to pay more attention to applied research by building effective research channels with the industrial sector in KSA in particular and the region in general.

The fourth criterion is to encourage teaching assistants to gain research skills in early stage by publishing at least one scientific research before traveling to scholarship destination. This can be done under supervision or in collaboration with one of the teaching members of the College.

The fifth criterion is to build and develop the research mentality of students by following creative and innovative teaching methods.

The sixth criterion is to encourage the research related to development of engineering education and improvement of the quality of educational and academic process.


How to encourage scientific research

By the end of every academic year, each teaching member submits his/her research plan for the following academic year to the administration of his/her Department/ the College. In such plan, he/she is supposed to highlight the topics of research, the plan of scientific publications and the support needed according to the available resources.

At the level of the College, a committee is formed. It is headed by the Dean of the College and includes 2-4 experienced and specialized teaching members to execute the general research plan, review its details and develop it. The committee also determines areas of research excellence of the College through the activities of research groups, taking into consideration the interests and needs of the targeted industrial companies and agencies in research partnership.

The teaching members are urged to motivate and develop the research mentality of students by the teaching methods they employ in their courses.  

A permanent research group specialized in engineering education and academic quality is created. This group adopts the documentation of the College's experiences in the field of engineering education and academic quality. In this way, all the College's activities in this field can be transformed into scientific papers. As an example, the accumulate experience gained from teaching one of the academic courses can be documented.  
