Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Form for Suggestions and Complaints

Suggestions and Complaints

     From : - 2020/09/03 م , To : - 2032/09/22 م

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    Form for Suggestions and Complaints

     Dear UQU affiliates: You are the center of our concern; as the College of Social Sciences is keen to learn about and analyze your opinions, follow up your remarks, and adopt the highest accreditation standards in dealing with them, we are pleased to receive your suggestions, enquiries, and complaints via the following form.

    * Name

    * National ID Card Number

     University Number (For the College’s Students)

    * Mobile Number

    * Email


    * Type of the Request

    * Topic

    * Description

    Allowed extensions : mp3, wav, wma, mp4, wmv, avi, flv, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, 7z, csv, doc, docx, gz, gzip, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx, zip
    Allowed Size : 1024

    Allowed extensions : mp3, wav, wma, mp4, wmv, avi, flv, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, 7z, csv, doc, docx, gz, gzip, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx, zip
    Allowed Size : 1024
