Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Duties of the College Council

- 2021/06/10

Duties of the College Council

Article 34 of the Higher Education and Universities Law stipulates the following:

The College Council shall consider issues pertaining to the college, specifically:

  1. Propose the appointment of staff members, teaching assistants and lecturers as well as decide their secondment, delegation, and promotion.
  2. Propose the academic plans, including modifications thereto, and coordinate with the relevant departments.
  3. - Propose curricula, textbook and references for the college departments.
  4. Promote academic research and coordinate between different departments of the college and institute to arrange their publication.
  5. Propose exam schedules and set regulations for setting them.
  6. Propose college internal rules and regulations.
  7. Propose the training plans and scholarships necessary for the college.
  8. Propose plans for the college extracurricular activities.
  9. Take decisions related to student affairs within its capacity and make recommendations to the University Council for other student matters.
  10. Consider any issues referred by the University Council, its president, or its vice president for review and comment.