Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Honoring His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah Al-Khunain at the Conclusion of the Workshop Entitled: ‘Characteristics of a Jurisprudent’

Added on - 2020/02/28  |  اخر تعديل - 2020/02/28

On Thursday, 3 Rajab 440 A.H., the workshop entitled, "Characteristics of a Jurisprudent", was concluded as His Excellency Sheikh Al-Khunain completed his talk about the acquired characteristics of the jurist on the second day of the workshop. At the end of the workshop, Sheikh Al-Khunain touched on the means that help in developing juristic talent. He mentioned some requirements that should be met by seekers of knowledge, including: clarity of mind, receiving oral tuition from sheikhs, reading books of experienced authors, taking good care of time management, as well as attending many training sessions and practicing jurisprudence frequently to obtain experience and refine skills.

He concluded his speech highlighting the need to be mindful of Allah, the Almighty, and be sincere in words and deeds. His Excellency answered many inquiries made by the male and female sections. At the end of the workshop, His Excellency was honored by His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Raed Al-Usaimi, who presented him a memorial shield as a token of appreciation.
