Under the noble patronage of His Excellency the Dean of the Joint First Year Deanship, Dr. Saad bin Saeed Al-Ghamdi, and the supervision of Her Excellency the Vice Dean of the Joint First Year of the Health Stream (Female Section) at Al-Abdiyyah, Dr. Azzah bint Muhammad Bannunah, the deanship held a breast cancer educational ceremony entitled "Hope Makers."
The ceremony began with an awareness video on breast cancer symptoms, methods of prevention, and healthy diet for women. Next, the "Hope Makers" student team from the Joint First Year Club participated with words of hope, strength, and encouragement to cancer patients. This was followed by a poem recital by a female student, which highlighted the importance of combating this disease. All the attendees then explored the different awareness corners set up for this event.
This educational ceremony is part of the various activities organized by the different deanship campuses in the Female Section, with the aim of raising awareness of the dangers of breast cancer, and taking all possible measures for its prevention, in conjunction with World Breast Cancer Day.