Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

International Volunteer Day

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Added on - 2016/12/06  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/12/06

Volunteering is considered a great human characteristic that involves transcendental meanings such as patience, giving, solidarity and cooperation for free all through the long history of humanity. Islam called for altruism, tolerance and giving; Allah, the Almighty, says in the Qur'an, "But those who before them, had homes (in Medina) and had adopted the Faith,- show their affection to such as came to them for refuge, and entertain no desire in their hearts for things given to the (latter), but give them preference over themselves, even though poverty was their (own lot). And those saved from the covetousness of their own souls,- they are the ones that achieve prosperity."

Through the previously-mentioned Qur'anic image, Islam stresses two basic elements:

First: One should live to keep his/her existence.

Second: One should participate with others in various activities to the benefits of individuals and community.


Forms of Volunteering:

  1. Individual Volunteering: A social act or conduct the individual does, without being asked to, out of his/her own desire and will in return for no fees; it is based on moral, social, human or religious considerations.
  2. Institutional Volunteering: It is more developed, organized, and effective for society than Individual Volunteering. 

Thus, even if volunteering was as tiny as an atom, Allah, the Almighty, would bless and raise it. He does not waste the reward of philanthropists and does not wrong anyone a jot. He, the Almighty, says in the Qur'an, "Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!"

Accepted volunteering is not confined to human beings; however it includes even animals, birds, etc. Moreover, volunteering may be a basic reason for Allah's forgiveness, even in presence of major sins. For example, Allah, the Almighty, bestowed forgiveness on the sinful woman from Bani-Israel (Children of Israel), only because she showed mercy to the dog she had noticed its thirst; she filled her own shoes with the well water and quenched the dog's thirst.

Fruits of Volunteering:

  • Inner comfort upon any kind of volunteering.
  • Sensing the significance of social consolidation and, therefore, seeking participation.
  • Increase in and strength of national affiliation among individuals, as well as the raise of religious faith.
  • Reinforcement of consolidation, cooperation and togetherness among community individuals.
  • Mutual sense of need between the individual and community.
  • Positive exploitation of leisure time.
  • Development of competitive spirit among volunteering groups, which contributes to improving services' quality.

Websites, Networks and Sources about Volunteering:

Books and Sources:

  • "Volunteering: Culture and Organization", by Salih bin Hamad At-Toweijiri.
  • "Awqaf: Role in Volunteering Support," by Taha Hussein Awad (E-book).
  • Kuwait International Competition for Writing Children's Stories in the Field of Endowment, Charitable and Voluntary Work (E-book).


