Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Renewing the Appointment of His Excellency Dr. Hasan bin Abdul-Hamid bin Abdul-Hakim Bukhari as Dean of the Institute

Added on - 2019/07/11  |  اخر تعديل - 2019/07/11

His Excellency the UQU President, Prof. Abdullah bin Omar Bahusain Bafail, has issued an administrative decision, based on the decision of the Minister of Education, renewing the appointment of His Excellency Dr. Hasan bin Abdul-Hamid bin Abdul-Hakim Bukhari as Dean of the Institute of Arabic Language for NonـNative Speakers for a tenure of two years, from 12 Rabi` Al-Thani, 1440 A.H. His Excellency Prof. Abdullah asks Allah (Exalted and Glorified be He) to help Dr. Hasan and grant him success in performing his duty towards knowledge and its seekers, and in raising the standard of the university to enable it to reach its desired goals.

The employees of the institute congratulate His Excellency the Dean, wishing him permanent success. They also ask Allah to help him and grant him success in managing the institute.
