Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Call for Applications for Postgraduate Programs (First Phase: Non-Paid Programs)

Featured News , Featured news , Announcement , Admission ,
Added on - 2019/07/03  |  اخر تعديل - 2019/07/03

The Deanship of Postgraduate Studies announces that receiving applications for Non-Paid Postgraduate Programs (higher diplomas, Masters, and PhDs) for the academic year 1440-1441 A.H. has been started on Sunday, 4 Dhul-Qi`dah 1440 A.H., corresponding to 7 July 2019 A.C. Application will continue until Thursday 15 Dhul-Qi`dah, 1440 A.H., corresponding to 18 July 2019 A.C., in the following colleges and institutes:

College of Shari`ah and Islamic Studies.

College of Da`wah and Fundamentals of Religion.

College of Judicial Studies and Regulations.

The Higher Institute for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

College of Education.

College of Arabic Language and Literature.

College of Business Administration.

College of Designs.

College of Computer and Information Systems.

College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture.

Jamoum University College.


We would also like to draw the attention of all those wishing to enroll in these programs to the importance of reading and adhering to the admission conditions set forth in the unified law organizing the postgraduate studies in Saudi universities as well as the organizational and executive rules and procedures for postgraduate studies. To review the consolidated bylaws of the postgraduate studies, please click here.

For more details, please read the following:

In case of any queries, please contact us via the email of the Vice Deanship of Admissions at [email protected]  Answers will be provided ASAP.

To view the admissions FAQs, please click here.

We would like to turn your attention to the fact that the second phase of admission to the quality paid postgraduate study programs will be announced during the coming weeks. These programs amount to 73 programs, including higher diploma, Masters, and PhD programs.

To apply for the Non-Paid Postgraduate Programs, please click here.



A special portal will be launched for the teaching assistants, lecturers, and students of the UQU external scholarship students at a later time.

May Allah guide us all to the correct path. All Praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
