Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences Takes Part in Preparatory Year Forum

Important News
Added on - 2016/04/03  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/04/03

The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences took part in the Preparatory Year Forum for Medical Faculties event held on Sunday 19/06/1437 Hijri that aims at giving students of the preparatory year information about different majors. Preparatory year students get to know different majors closely thanks to explanation and illustrations by students of each department what makes the process of choosing the suitable major much easier for them.

The University President, Dr. Bakry bin Maatouq Assas, visited the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences booth and listened to a detailed explanation by the Faculty students of different majors. The Faculty Dean, Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Ashi, confirmed the importance of this event that is of great help to students of the preparatory year.
