Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Deanship of Scientific Research Holds a Workshop to Assess Services Provides for Researchers

Important News , Events ,
Added on - 2018/05/15  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/05/15

The Deanship of Scientific Research organized a workshop on Monday Sha'ban 28, 1430 H at 11:00 AM under the title: Assessment of Services Provided by the Deanship of Scientific Research for Researchers" to discuss with the male and female researchers their proposals to set priorities for improving deanship services. The workshop came as an executive steps after conducting e-assessment for the deanship services and collecting proposed data to discuss them in the workshop and included those related to deanship services in performance quality the improvement plan for the coming year.


The workshop was attended by the Dean of Scientific Research Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Ahdal, vice deans, heads and deputy heads of the research centers, supervisors of the deanship services including; Dr. Husham Orabi, the Supervisor of Research Proposal Writing Technical Advising Unit, Dr. Sayed Rodwan the Supervisor of the Statistics and Search Engines Unit, Dr. Mohamed Hasaneen  the Supervisor of the English Research Auditing Unit and Dr. Abdul-Nasir Ameen, the Supervisor of the Arabic Research Auditing Unit.


The workshop discussed the necessity of providing research consultations in the different knowledge fields and stimulating researchers to publish in prestigious scientific journals besides the keenness to providing funding for them in line with the rules and regulations. The workshop also shed light on the importance of marketing for the deanship services and introducing these services for the researchers using different means including; visiting colleges, participating in the introductory forums and publishing them via social media websites and the taking advantage of them for benefit of the graduate students. 

