The Scientific Research Deanship takes part in the freshman students forum that will be organized by the Students Affairs Deanship from Monday to Wednesday 27-29/12/1438 AH, at King Saud Hall in Al-Abidiya. It will participate throughout the tree days through some events; including the introductory corner of the deanship, the launch of a special competition under the title (Successful Researcher) for male and female students. The competition’s prizes are dedicated by Wadi Makkah Company. Also, there will be an introductory performance on the hall theater according the schedule of Students Affairs Deanship; focusing on a group of programs by which the Scientific Research Deanship will serve the students in general; such as Ambassadors program, Research Volunteering and Voluntary Research Initiative, Scientific Research Beacon, Language Guide, and Scientific Research Oasis.
Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Ahdl, Dean of Scientific Research Deanship, formed a working team for the successful participation in the forum. He will be the head of the team, while the members of the team are: Dr. Faisal Bawaris, vice-dean of Scientific Research Deanship; Dr. Hanadi Behairi, vice-dean of Scientific Research for Quality and Development; Dr. Ali Amin, advisor at the deanship and supervisor on internal scholarships; Dr. Haifa Fida, Assistant Head of the Arabic Language and Literature Research Center and Supervisor on Ambassador program; Dr. Somaya Hariri, Deputy Director of Medical Sciences Research Center and Supervisor on “Translator” program; Mr. Osman Habib Allah; Ms. Azza Al-Salmi; Ms Tiba Saqty, Ms Asrar Al-Omairi; and Raghda Naif, a volunteer.
The Deanship of Scientific Research aims that its participation in the forum of freshman students indicates its various services and programs, which aim to provide all that serves the undergraduate student in general and the new student, the distinguished researcher who seeks knowledge.