Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Membership Terms and Procedures

- 2024/11/07

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Membership is of three types, as follows:

Active membership, for which the following terms are required:

  1. The membership applicant must have obtained an academic qualification in the basic specialty of the society, and must work in the field of specialization.
  2. Be a resident of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or one of the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
  3. Apply for the society's membership (Appendix 2).
  4. Pay the registration fees and annual subscriptions decided by the society.
  5. Be approved for membership upon a decision issued by the board of directors of the society, and be informed thereof.

Honorary membership:

Honorary membership shall be granted to those chosen by the board of directors of the society who have provided it with material or moral services, or who have contributed to the development of its areas of interest inside or outside the Saudi Kingdom. It shall be granted upon a decision of the society’s board of directors, after the approval of the General Assembly. The honorary member is exempt from the requirement to pay registration fees and subscriptions. An honorary member whose major is not relevant to the society’s specialty may attend the sessions of the General Assembly and participate in committees without voting.

Affiliate membership, which is awarded to:

  1. Non-residents who hold a health qualification in the society’s specialty.
  2. A holder of a health specialty other than the society’s specialty who resides inside or outside the Saudi Kingdom.
  3. Students of medical and applied medical colleges and health and scientific colleges and institutes related to the society's specialization.
  4. Interested workers in the fields of the society’s specialization who do not meet the scientific qualification requirements specified for active membership.

The affiliate member is exempt from half of the annual subscription fee. He/she may attend sessions of the General Assembly and its various committees, and participate in the discussions without having the right to vote.

Membership benefits

  1. Priority in nomination for the tasks assigned to the society.
  2. Reduced fees for attending scientific seminars and meetings organized by the society.
  3. Receiving brochures and periodicals issued by the society at a reduced cost.

Membership termination

Membership in the society is terminated in the following cases:

  1. Withdrawal of the member in writing, or in case of death.
  2. If the member loses one of the membership conditions.
  3. If the member does not pay the annual subscription, after the elapse of one year of the entitlement thereof. Membership shall not be forfeited in this case except after notifying the member in writing that the subscription must be paid or his/her membership shall be forfeited. The notification shall take place during the last three months of the aforementioned year.
  4. Carrying out or intentionally causing any act or activity that results in material, moral or professional harm to the society, its board of directors, or its field of specialization. The membership revocation in this case must be preceded by an investigation approved by the board of directors in which the responsibility of the member is proven. In all the cases referred to above, except for death, membership shall not be terminated unless a decision is issued to that effect by the board of directors. The member shall be notified in writing of the decision to terminate membership within two weeks of its issuance, in all cases, The member shall not be refunded the fees previously paid for registration, subscriptions, donations, gifts, or otherwise.

Reinstating membership

  1. Membership may be reinstated to the member upon his/her request, for the absence of the reason stipulated in point (3) of the membership termination rules above, upon a decision of the board of directors after he/she pays the late fees or the subscription fees for a period of three years, whichever is the lesser amount.
  2. Membership may be returned to the member on the request of the member whose membership has been revoked for the reason(s) stipulated in point (4) of the above membership termination rules, upon a decision of the board of directors.
  3. Subject to the provisions of point (1) of the above membership termination rules, membership may be reinstated for a second time, which is considered final, after which membership shall be permanently forfeited if the latter is terminated for the same reason.