Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University


- 2022/01/24



The Institute of Arabic Language was one of the centers affiliating to the College of Shari'a and Islamic Studies of the University of King Abdul-Aziz, Makkah branch. It was a one department institute, the Arabic Language teaching department, until the issuance of the Royal Decree No. 7/Y/52127, dated Dhul-Qe'dah 28th 1399H converting it from a center to an institute with an independent deanship. Subsequently, the Supreme Council of King Abdul-Aziz University, in its 28th meeting, dated RabeiII 18th 1401H (before the establishment of Umm Al-Qura University) had issued a resolution stipulating its approval to establish the Institute with its scientific departments as per the text attached to the resolution, and mentioned department was one of the referred to department.  That was trailed by the issuance of the Council of Ministers resolution No. 190, dated 19Th Ramadan, 1401 H, promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/39), dated 28th Ramadan, 1401 H, approving the system of Umm Al-Qura University (UQU), which covers the institute with all its departments including the department of the specialization.

The duration of study in the Institute was three years, two years for general diploma, and one year for special diploma. The 4thsession of the Council of Umm Al-Qura  University , held in in 1407H approved upgrading the special diploma to be as an equivalent  to the a bachelor degree. When the system of study in the University was converted to the point system in 1412, the duration of study became 4 years. 

The Department qualifies and trains the students to become specialists in teaching Arabic language as a second language for the Muslims in their countries (in the Arabic language sections in the intermediate, secondary schools and universities), the matter which requires providing them with special training commensurate with teaching requirements in the different countries of the world.



-  To graduate qualified teachers for teaching Arabic language and Islamic culture to non-Arabs, besides provide training for them to prepare curricula.  

-  To cooperate with Islamic institutions and organizations in the field of teaching Arabic language and Islamic culture in the Islamic countries and amongst Islamic minorities.

- To exchange expertise in the field of education and scientific research between the department and the specialized educational institutions in this field.

- To organize training courses for the instructors of Arabic language and Islamic culture in and outside the Kingdom.

- To encourage the department’s teaching staff to conduct field researches and  tests to develop curricula and methods of teaching Arabic language to nonnative speakers, as well as encouraging authorship in this respect.



  • To prepare specialized instructors in teaching Arabic language and Islamic culture to nonnative speakers by training them in the latest methods, techniques and theories of teaching Arabic language to nonnative speakers, and providing them with sufficient package of Islamic culture.
  • To prepare specialized instructors in teaching Arabic language and Islamic culture to nonnative speakers in all world countries.
  •  To teach and spread Arabic language in all parts of the world.
  • To forge cultural relations with educational institutions at home and abroad to spread the language of the Holy Quran.
  • To harness the modern technology in training instructors of the Arabic language to nonnative speakers.
  • To contribute to spread the moderate Islam and explain fairness of its provisions.



  • Scientific trustworthiness.  
  • Justice and Equality.
  • Human relations.
  • Academic and Professional Development.
  • Effective Educational Leadership.
  • Distinguished scientific productivity.
  • Innovative teaching methods and assessment.
  • Creativity in producing, harnessing and managing educational knowledge.
  • Institutional commitment, transparency and credibility.
  • Total quality and academic excellence. 

