Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Message from the Department Head

- 2019/11/10

All praise be to Allah (Exalted and Glorified be He) Alone, and peace and blessings be upon the final Prophet of Allah, Prophet Muhammad, all his family, and Companions.

It is my pleasure, on behalf of myself and the faculty members of the Media Department at Jamoum University College, to welcome you all. I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you all to the department, where we shall relish the sweetness of learning and knowledge, delving deep into this path to acquire useful knowledge and promote it through the media outlets.

The Media Department at Jamoum University College was established back in 1435 A.H, and it has two majors: Public Relations and Journalism. The department seeks to create a catalytic work environment for knowledge production and innovation, build bridges of cooperation between the department and its graduates, and strengthen cooperation with the various government and private media institutions. It realizes its vision and mission by graduating outstanding students who will contribute - Allah willing - to making the desired changes in the fields of media, community service, and development.

Head of the Media Department

Dr. Khulud bint Hasan Hajars Al-Hazimi
