Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Author Guide

- 2024/01/08

** Last update: 25 Rabi Al Akhar, 1442 A.H., corresponding to 10 December 2020 A.C.


Author Guide

First: Publishing Terms

  • It should be original, novel, and innovative and should add to knowledge.
  • The research should be in the journal's speciality.
  • The research should not be drawn from the master’s or doctorate theses or from research previously published by the researcher.
  • It should adhere to the rules and methodology of authentic scientific research.
  • The number of research pages should not exceed 50 (A4) pages, including Arabic and English abstracts, references, appendices and indexes.
  • Page margins should be 2.5 cm at the top, bottom, right, and left). The line spacing should be "double" at 0.9.
  • For the Arabic language, Traditional Arabic font should be used in size 16 pt., not bold, for the body and the extract; bold for headings; font size 14 pt., not bold, for footnotes; font size 10 pt., not bold, for tables and figures; and bold for table headers and captions.
  • For the English language, Times New Roman font is used, size 12 pt., not bold, for body text and extract; bold for headings; font size 10 pt., not bold, for footnotes, tables and figures; and bold for table headers and captions.
  • The research title page should include the following: research title, researcher's name and degree, scientific reference "department and university" and email.
  • The number of Arabic and English abstract words should not exceed 250 words each, including the following items: research topic, objectives, methodology, and the most important findings and recommendations. The research title should be translated into English, the researcher's name should be written in Latin letters, and the email should appear at the top of the English abstract.
  • Each abstract (Arabic/English) should be followed by the keywords (maximums of 5 words), which accurately indicate the subject of the research and the main issues it addresses.
  • Quranic verses should be typed in Uthmanic script enclosed within flower brackets, based on the Madinah Mushaf software.
  • Research pages should be serially numbered, including tables, figures, images, and references.

Second: References

  • In-text Qur'anic references are cited by mentioning the name of the Surah, and the number of the verse within brackets.
  • Prophetic Hadiths are referenced in footnotes by mentioning the chapter, book and the number of the Hadith, whenever possible.
  • Footnotes are placed at the bottom of each page, numbered.
  • The footnotes should mention the book title, the author's name, volume, and page number according to the documentation system applied in Shari`ah studies.

Example: Al-Mughni, Ibn Qudamah (6/435).

  • If more than one reference is cited, they shall be separated by semicolons.

Example: Majmu` Al-Fatawa, Ibn Taymiyyah (29/158); Zad Al-Ma`ad, Ibn Al-Qayyim (1/120).

  • A list of Arabic references should be appended to the research arranged by title of the book, as follows:
    1. If the reference is a book: book title, name of the author, date of death (if available), name of the book verifier (if applicable), publishing house, place of publication, edition number, and year of publication.

Example: Ma`alim Al-Tanzil, Al-Husain bin Mas`ud Al-Baghawi (d. 516 A.H.), verified by Muhammad Al-Nimr, `Uthman Damirieh, Sulaiman Al-Harash, Dar Taibah: Riyadh, 4th edition, 1417 A.H.

  1. If the reference is a university thesis that has not been printed: thesis title, researcher's name, thesis type (MA / PhD), name of the college, name of the university, and the year. Example: Ahkam Talaf Al-Amwal fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami, Abdullah bin Hamad bin Nasir Al-Ghatimel, doctoral thesis, College of Shari`ah and Islamic Studies, Umm Al-Qura University, 1409 A.H.
  2. If the reference is an article or research published in a journal: the title of the article, name of the author or researcher, name of the periodical, place of publication, issue number, volume number, year of publication, and a number of the article or research pages.

Example: Maqasid Al-Hajj fil Qur’an Dr. Adel bin Ali Al-Shiddi, UQU Journal of Shari`ah and Islamic Studies, Umm Al-Qura University, Issue 44, volume 1, 1429 A.H., pp. 11-74.

  1. If the reference is a website: website name, and the site URL.

Example: Umm Al-Qura University website - www. uqu. edu. sa

  1. If there is no reference data, the following abbreviations can be used:
    • No place of publication: (n.p.)
    • No publisher: (n.p.)
    • No edition number: (no DOIs)
    • No Publication Date: (n.d.)
  2. The list of foreign references is documented according to University of Chicago manual of style.

Example: Timoshenko, S. P. and Woinowsky - Ktieger, S.: Theory of Plates and Shells. 2nd Edition. Tokyo. Mc Graw - Hill Book Company. 1959

  1. The researcher is required to type Arabic references in Latin letters. They should be included in the list of foreign references (while keeping them in the Arabic language in the list of Arabic references).

Example: Zād Al Mʻād Fī Hdī Khyr Al ʻBād. Muẖammad Ibn Abī Bkr Az Zrʻī. Investigated by Shu'aib Al-Arna'out, Abdulqader Al-Arna'out. (3th edition. Beirut: Mu'assasatur-Risalah, 2002).

Third: Research Elements

Research should be written according to the followed scientific method. It is as follows:

  1. Title page elements, including research title, name of the researcher, academic reference (department, college, university), an official email.
  2. Writing a research abstract that contains: an overview of the topic in which the research problem is mentioned briefly, key objectives, methodology, presenting the most important findings of the researcher and the most important recommendations, and the keywords (maximum of five words).
  3. Writing an English abstract of the research with the same specifications as the Arabic abstract, translating the research title, the name of the researcher and their email in the introduction to the English abstract.
  4. Writing an introduction that contains: research importance, research problem, objectives, previous studies, research sections (its plan), its methodology and procedures.
  5. Providing a literature review of previous studies, if any, and the scientific addition to it.
  6. Arranging the research into sections (themes) according to a coherent research plan.
  7. Presenting a specific idea in each section (topic) that forms part of the central idea of the research.
  8. Writing a comprehensive research conclusion containing the most important findings and recommendations.
  9. Keenness to prepare the research accurately and scientifically, and proof it for grammar and spelling errors.

Fourth: Publishing Procedures

  • All transactions for submitting or peer-reviewing research should be done through the journal website by accessing the Umm Al-Qura University page, then going to "Research and Innovation," and then to "Scientific Journals," followed by "Journal of Shari`ah and Islamic Studies." Next, "Research publishing form" should be selected, and it should be filled with the required information and research attachments. Alternatively, go to the "research publishing form" from here.
  • The scientific material is presented to the editorial board for an initial examination to ensure compliance with the journal publishing rules.
  • The scientific material in which the commitment to the publishing rules has not been completed is returned to its owners and the editorial board outlines its deficiencies, or it may be returned without mentioning that.
  • When the scientific material meets the conditions of publication, three geographically diverse peer reviewers are selected, not less than Associate Professor, two of which are the mains and the third is a substitute.
  • A substitute peer reviewer is resorted to in the following cases:

a- When the main peer reviewer is unable to referee the research.

b- When the main peer reviewer is late in sending the report.

c- To give weighting when the two peer reviewers differ in their opinions of whether the scientific material is suitable for publication.

  • The two peer reviewers are given a maximum period of two weeks to write the report on the scientific materials sent to them. Then the journal editor-in-chief sends two alerts to the late peer reviewer(s), one after another, with two weeks in between. One week after the last alert without a response, a substitute peer reviewer will be considered.
  • The two peer reviewers' reports shall be submitted to the editorial board to consider their results. An appropriate decision shall be taken based on the following:

a- Approving the scientific material for publication if the two peer reviewers agree on that.

b- If both or either of the peer reviewers makes remarks requiring amendment, a copy of the remarks, after submitting the identification of the maker(s), will be sent to the owner of the scientific material to undertake a review and then be returned after the amendment.

c- If the two peer reviewers differ on rating the suitability of the scientific material for publication, it shall be sent to a third (substitute) peer reviewer for weighting.

d- If the two peer reviewers agree that the material is not suitable for publication, an apology for not publishing it will be sent to the owner.

  • The journal editor-in-chief shall notify the owner of the approved scientific material of the license to publish it and the number specified for its publication.
  • The journal editorial board has the right to set priorities for publishing research and arranging them technically.
  • The researcher is given an electronic copy of the issue that includes their research.
  • If a research paper is rejected, it will not be returned to its owner, and the journal is not obliged to give reasons why it was rejected.

Fifth: Copyright

  • The materials submitted for publication reflect the views of their authors. Authors are responsible for the soundness of information and the accuracy of conclusions. All copyright is reserved for the publisher (UQU). Once a research paper has been approved for publication, publication ownership is transferred from the author to the journal. It may re-publish it in paper or electronic form. It has the right to include it in local and global databases without the researcher's permission.
  • The researcher shall not be entitled to republish their research accepted for publication in the journal in any of the publishing media except with the written permission of the editor-in-chief of the journal.

