Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

The Sciences of the Qur’an Readings According to Al-Dhahabi through His Mention of Issues and Benefits in the Biographies of the Qur’an Reciters A Comparative Applied Study

- 2023/12/18

Nouman Khalil Dawood Mirza
Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic Recitations, College of Da`wah and Fundamentals of Religion, Umm Al-Qura University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Issue: 95 | Pages:1-20 | December 2023 | | PDF
Received: 26/01/2023 | Revised: 07/05/2023 | Accepted:18/05/2023



I meant to highlight examples of issues in the sciences of Qur'anic readings and their benefits found in the biographies of Qur'anic readers in Al-Dhahabi's -(died 748 AH)- biographies books, especially his book: (Quranic Biographies Readers). The most important research objectives are to highlight the aspects of the science of Quranic recitations from Al-Dhahabi's book (Quranic Biographies Readers), refer to his efforts, show the book's importance, and compare it with similar books. Following the descriptive methods, I described the aspects of the science of Quranic recitations from Al-Dhahabi's biographies books of readers and compared them with similar books. The essential results are Al-Dhahabi's position in Quran readings, the position of his books, and highlighting the manifestations of his interest in the science of Quran readings. The most important recommendations: Highlight the essential manifestations of the sciences of Quran reading from various biographies and books and show the efforts of their authors.


Aldhahabi, Alqira'at, Masayil, Fawayid, Tarajim, Alqurra.

How to Cite 

Mirza, N. (2023), The Sciences of the Qur’an Readings According to Al-Dhahabi through His Mention of Issues and Benefits in the Biographies of the Qur’an Reciters A Comparative Applied Study, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.95. pp. 1-20.


