Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Suspicions of Orientalists about the Quran in the Islamic Encyclopedia - Presentation and Criticism

- 2023/10/02

Kholoud Yusef Muhammad Nashar
Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Sunnah, College of Da`wah and Fundamentals of Religion, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
Issue 93 Pages: 19-36 | June 2023 | | PDF
Received: 08/10/2022 | Revised:09/01/2023 | Accepted:02/02/2023


The research deals with studying the suspicions of orientalists about the Quran in the Islamic Orientalist Encyclopedia under the title: "Suspicions of Orientalists about the Quran in the Islamic Encyclopedia - Presentation and Criticism" a scientific, methodological and critical study showing how superficial the falsehoods and slanders raised by the enemies of Islam about the Quran in that encyclopedia, which sometimes reached the point of contradiction. By doing so they think they will destroy the Quran and prevent spreading it, but they have been disappointed. The light of Allah is shining in the horizons. I have used the critical, analytical, and inductive approach in that study. It included two topics: The First: To clarify the concept of orientalism, its emergence, its objectives, and introduction to the encyclopedia. The second topics dealt with suspicions and appeals about the Quran. The most important findings: All the suspicions that orientalists dealt with in the encyclopedia are weak attempts to distort the Quran, far from validity and scientific methodology. The research recommended studying all the appeals lurking in the encyclopedia, criticizing them scientifically, and translating them into several different languages.


The Quran, Suspicions, Defense, Encyclopedia.

How to Cite 

Nashar, K. (2023), Suspicions of Orientalists about the Quran in the Islamic Encyclopedia - Presentation and Criticism, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.93. pp.19-36.


