Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Qinyah Al-‘Ārif li Ḥukm Al-Iqtidā bi Al-Mukhālif (A Property of the Knowledgeable Regarding the Ruling of Following the Opposition) By Al-Faqīh Al-Muḥaddith Muḥammad Akram bin ‘Abdir Raḥmān Al-Sindī Al-Naṣrbūrī Died in the Twelfth Hijrī Century.

- 2023/04/04

Fatimah bint Abdullaah Al-Battah
Associate Professor of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Issue 92 Pages:145-166 | March 2023 | | 
Received: 02/08/2022 | Revised:30/11/2022 | Accepted:03/01/2023 | Online: 30 March 2023


Research aim: Participation in reviving the Islamic heritage on Fundamentals of Jurisprudence by investigating a valuable manuscript, and presenting it to the respected reader.
Research methodology: The investigation relied on two manuscripts by comparing between them, based on the text chosen for the primary copy, and relying on the other copy for the text understanding and correction, so that the text will be correctly produced as intended by its author, although with the mention of the difference between the two copies in the footnote.
Research findings: The authenticity of the book’s ascription to its author, and his wide knowledge of the literature of his Ḥanafī co-scholars, and his accuracy in what he transmits from them, although with critique and rejoinder in some places.
Recommendations: Giving attention to the investigation of manuscripts of Islamic heritage, most especially those authored on a particular field or a particular issue, because it contains scholarly focus and explanations that may not be easily found in the books that are comprehensive on all issues and chapters.


Following the opposition, the Ḥanafī following the Shāfi’ī, juristic effort (ijtihād) and followership (taqlīd).


How to Cite 

Al-Battah, F. (2023), Qinyah Al-‘Ārif li Ḥukm Al-Iqtidā bi Al-Mukhālif (A Property of the Knowledgeable Regarding the Ruling of Following the Opposition) By Al-Faqīh Al-Muḥaddith Muḥammad Akram bin ‘Abdir Raḥmān Al-Sindī Al-Naṣrbūrī Died in the Twelfth Hijrī Century. Investigation and Study, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.92. pp.145-166.


