Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Hunger at the Holy Quran(An objective Study)

- 2023/04/04

Maha Abdullah Mohammed Alhadab
Associate Professor, Department of the Holy Qur’an and its Sciences, College of Fundamentals of Religion, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University
Issue 92 Pages:22-41 | March 2023 | | PDF
Received: 13/09/2022 | Revised:22/11/2022 | Accepted:21/12/2022 | Online: 30 March 2023


This research discusses the subject of hunger at the Holy Quran and aims to gather the relevant verses of hunger and study it objectively, as well as the research aims to identification the definition of hunger, its stipulation at Quran, its synonymous and limitation the Quranic matters which were interpreted by hunger through the interpreters speech, and indication the secrets of collection between hunger, fear and nudity, also to highlight the Quranic guidance at protection from hunger, and this research applied the inductive method at gathering the relevant verses with hunger, and the analytical descriptive approach to study the verses and it concluded the this results: the word of (hunger) was mentioned five times at the Quran in Makkan Surah, and was mentioned in form of name in four situations, and in form of verb in one situation, and came individual in one situation, and collected in four situations. The Quranic synonymous of hunger are starvation and Masbagha. There are Quranic phrases were interpreted by hunger such as: اarm, torment, misery, grief, infatuation, smoke and years.

Hunger was mentioned in multiple contexts such as the context of thanking, urge for eating, indication legal rulings, affliction and admonition, mentioning the penalties at live and afterlife, and the hereafter and the context of the Quranic stories, and for collection between hunger with fear at the Quran, has secrets relevant to the double relation of hunger and fear, and getting safety of getting foods and the collection of hunger with fear, to occur the calamity.

We can identify the features of the Quranic guidelines at protection of hunger through its reference to the reasons and maintain the blessing of foods such as faith, piety and maintain borders of religion, and thanking for blessing, agriculture, praying for forgiveness and feeding for the sake of Allah, not being extravagant and saving.


Hunger, Holy Quran, Objective interpretation.

How to Cite 

Alhadab, M. (2023), Hunger at the Holy Quran(An objective Study), Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.92. pp.  22-41.


