Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Mu’in al-Muqri’ al-Nahreer on Know-ing What the title, the poem, and the simplification are characterized by, by Sheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al-Bilbeisi (797 AH), investigation and study

- 2023/04/04

Aeshah Abdullah Altuwalah
Department of Islamic Studies, College of Arts, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia
Issue 92 Pages:1-21 | March 2023 | | PDF
Received: 27/08/2022 | Revised:29/12/2022 | Accepted:08/01/2023 | Online: 30 March 2023


This research aims to investigate and study the manuscript of Mu’in al-Muqri’ al-Nahreer on knowing what the title, the poem, and the simplification are characterized by Sheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al-Bilbeisi (797 AH).To this end, I followed the required scientific approach including a sufficient study of the author and his book, which includes a study of the author through translating his works, the compliments he received from scholars, and his scientific impacts. Then, I studied the manuscript sufficiently, including documenting the book name, attribution of the book to the author, the sources that the author mentioned, his approach, and a description of the manuscript, with attached samples of it.

The second chapter includes the investigated text, the scientific approach was used to investigate the text such as transcribing manuscripts, comparing the copies, attributing the verses, documentation of texts and sayings .. etc. I concluded the research with the key results, such as the importance of this type of classification for the students of Quranic readings, which is concerned with collecting and explaining what each book of the famous scholars’ books are characterized by, which are approved by the people of this art, to simplify it for them. The manuscript confirmed the scientific status of Imam Al-Bilbeisi - May Allah bless his soul- since this type of classification requires exploration, recalling ideas, and mastering books to be able to find matters. In addition, the specialist needs to read more to know the uniqueness of each of the original books in this science, until he distinguishes and masters the methods, to reach a level that he can recognize them.


Facilitation, title, poem, Shatbia, Nazim.

How to Cite 

Altuwalah, A. (2023), 'Mu’in al-Muqri’ al-Nahreer on Know-ing What the title, the poem, and the simplification are characterized by, by Sheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al-Bilbeisi (797 AH), investigation and study, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.92. pp.  1-21.


