Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Issue 91: December 2022, Article-8

- 2022/12/14

Contemporary Trends in the Interpretation of Multi-Meaning Qur'an Phrase Comparative Linguistic Fundamental Study

Faisal Ahmed Allumai
Associate Professor of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence, Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals Faculty of Islamic Law, Kuwait University 
Issue 91 Pages:113-137| December 2022 | | PDF
Received: 18/08/2022 | Revised: 14/11/2022 | Accepted: 28/11/2022 | Online: 14 December 2022


This study deals with the interpretations of contemporaries of the phrase “the Qur’an bearer of facets” and showed these trends according to the fundamentalist and linguistic context, and followed the inductive and analytical approach in collecting and deducing. They fell into three semantic problems: the failure to control the central meaning of the speech, and the failure to control the semantic potential related to the evidence of judgment.

The study made several recommendations, including the expansion of critical and comparative studies to interpret texts for contemporaries according to the fundamental and linguistic balance, and the creation of a fundamentalist specialization in semantic aspects in partnership with the linguistics departments in the faculties of literature.


Text Interpretation, The Qur’an, Deconstructive Approach, Arabic Language, Meaning

How to Cite 

Allumai, F. (December 2022), 'Contemporary Trends in the Interpretation of Multi-Meaning Qur'an Phrase Comparative Linguistic Fundamental Study', Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.91. pp.  113-137


