Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University


- 2022/04/19


The College of Public Health & Health Informatics of Umm Al Qura University was established in 2013 and the Department of Epidemiology was established soon after taken off of the College. It started work immediately to develop the Bachelor Program in Epidemiology that befits the Makkah its unique location and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Disease Prevention and Health Improvement Goals. The Department began admitting the first Bachelor students in 2014 academic year. Currently, there are 12 Faculty members with specialties in various branches of Epidemiology.

Epidemiology is a basic medical science with the goal of improving the health of population because early studies in epidemiology were concerned with causes of communicable diseases and this can lead to the identification of preventive methods. The essential role of epidemiology in health was recognized to be the greater use of epidemiological data, concepts and methods in the preparation, updating, monitoring, and evaluation of the work in this field. Epidemiology is more than “the study of.” As a discipline within public health epidemiology provides data for directing public health action. Consider again the medical model: To treat a patient, a clinician must call upon experience and creativity as well as scientific knowledge. Similarly, an epidemiologist uses the scientific methods of descriptive and analytic epidemiology in “diagnosing” the health of a community, but also must call upon experience and creativity when planning how to control and prevent disease in the community.


Prepare graduate who can be able to best positioned to enhance their national sanitary status, confront the disease challenges of today and meet the opportunities of tomorrow, do so by continually improving their health services.


The vision of (B.Sc.Epi) is to assist communities in the control of disease by strengthening their health services. The initiative is designed to increase awareness of the need for change, develop specific actions based on the regional profiles of diseases, and promote an expanded vision and mandate for enhancing national health services.


•    Integrity
•    Leadership 
•    Quality of education
•    Respect, Dedication & Commitment 
•    Excellence


• Arrange members of the health related professions for the increasing need for health services to address all aspects of the health of population.
• Clarify the principles of disease causation with particular importance on modifiable environmental factors.
• Encourage the application of epidemiology to the prevention of disease and the promotion of health, including environmental and occupational health.
• Encourage good clinical practice by introducing the concepts of clinical epidemiology.
• Stimulate a continuing interest in epidemiology.
• Encourage students to do research which contributes directly to their communities.