Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Frequently asked questions

- 2016/05/17

Admission Portal:

Q. 1 / I applied for admission last year, and I recorded my data on the Internet portal, but I was not accepted.  Do I have the right to apply again?

A. 1 / Your personal data are saved, you need to:

  • Enter from (login).
  • Write registration number (civil registration number).
  • Type your password.
  • Reload your data if you have changes to your mobile phone or e-mail.


Q. 2 / what to do if I lost my password?

A. 2 / when losing the password, it can be restored:

  • Access to the portal for admission.
  • Click:  (Forgot password).
  • Enter the civil registration number in the box (Registration number).
  • Select one of the ways to recover the password (mobile - email - enter the verification code).


Q. 3 / The list of selections does not appear to me?

A. 3 /  If you are a non-Saudi, the selections list does not appear now, but it appears after the approval of the Ministry of Education on the nomination.

Complete your application if you are a non-Saudi. If you're a Saudi, your measured proportion may be very low. So, you have the choices of the qualifying course and the affiliation.


Q. 4 / When registering, a message informed me that my data are not existent in Qiyas?

A. 4 / The civil registration number and residence number, used for opening the file in the admissions portal, must be the same numbers in Qiyas Centre. If the number is different, Qiyas results will not be shown to you. The file must be opened in the admission portal of Umm Al Qura University with the student’s number of civil registration and residence. Check the number in your page in the admission portal, as well as in Qiyas Center.


Q. 5 / Some of the graduates of the secondary school "Syllabus system" are given two certificates: (secondary school completion certificate-the academic record of the certificate of high school). What is the certificate that is uploaded to you?

A. 5 /  The academic record that contains the grades is the one to be uploaded.


Q. 6 / The activation message was not sent to my email, so as to enable me to activate the link and enter to complete the registration?

A. 6 / Make sure of writing the e-mail correctly, or check your junk or random mails.



Q. 1 / when applying for admission to the university starts? Is there admission between the two semesters?

A. 1 / Applying and registering personal data on admissions portal begin at the end of the school year in accordance with the deadlines announced in the website of the university. There is no admission between the two semesters.


Q. 2 / To whom is the priority in the admission? Have the graduates of secondary school this year any preference?

A. 2 / The priority depends on the measured proportion of the applicant. The condition is that secondary school certificate should not be before more than five years. In the medical section, it must not be before more than two years.


Q. 3 / Is it allowed for students with a secondary school certificate from outside Mecca to be accepted?

A. 3 / A proof from the work authority of the guardian should be brought, if the secondary school certificate is issued from another area.


Q. 4 / What is the validity time of the ability test, achievement test, English language efficiency test?

A. 4 / The v.


Q. 5 / What are the available disciplines for admission in the university?

A. 5 / To learn the available disciplines: refer to the page of Admission and Registration Deanship, register at the university website, and download the admission guide.


Q. 6 / What is the specialization required for admission to the preparatory year (Medical track- scientific track- administrative track)?

A. 6 / secondary school (physical sciences, scientific, high school of scientific syllabus system)


Q. 7 / What is the specialization required for admission to the theoretical sections and the English department?

A. 7 / Secondary school (Religious sciences, administrative sciences, administrative sciences syllabus system, physical sciences, physical sciences syllabus system, literary, scientific, Scientific Institute, commercial secondary schools, memorization of the Quran schools, Dar al-Hadith, Al-Haram Institute).


Q. 8 / What is the specialization required for admission to the English Department?

A. 8/ Secondary school (Religious sciences, administrative sciences, administrative sciences syllabus system, physical sciences, physical sciences syllabus system, literary, scientific, Scientific Institute, commercial secondary schools, memorization of the Quran schools, Dar al-Hadith, Al-Haram Institute).


Q. 9 / Are non-Saudi students, whose mothers are Saudis, accepted?

A. 9 / Non-Saudi students, whose mothers are Saudis, are treated as Saudi students.


Q. 10 /  Are there (internal grants) for non-Saudi students who have a regular residency?


A.10 / Yes, there are (internal grants) for non-Saudi students who have a regular residence, the following steps are followed:

  • Personal data are recorded and applications are submitted through the online Admission Portal. After that, the choice will be based on the measured proportion.
  • The names are sent to the Ministry of Education.
  • The names of the admitted students are published on the website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration for completion of admission procedures.


Q. 11 / If I was not accepted in one of the sections that require a personal interview, willI be accepted in the second selection

A. 11/ when a student is not accepted in a discipline after the interview was carried out, he/she will be accepted in accordance with the selection according to the measured proportion.


 Q. 12 / If I removed my file from the university, do I have the right to re-apply to the university?



  • Removing the file (after more than a month admission) is considered a (complete withdrawal) from the university, and this one has the right to apply for the University again, only after four semesters from the date of withdrawal.
  • The students of the (qualifying year), (evening preparatory year), (affiliation) and (diploma) who withdrew (complete withdrawal) are entitled to apply again through the portal (log in).


 Q. 13 / Will the certificate and a copy of identity card be sent by mail or through the website

A. 13 / Keep your secondary school certificate.You will never need to send or deliver it to the University.

What is required is to submit the national identity, the document, and a personal photo of the student, surveyed by the scanner and then uploaded to your page on the website.


Q. 14 / How can I apply to the University, via the Internet or through coming to the University



Then, from the Admissions and Registration Deanship website, download Admission Guide, and abide by the deadlines for each stage. Admission is online. No need to come to the university.


Q. 15 / My PDF certificates file size exceeds 200 kilobytes, will there be a problem in the registration?

A. 15 / You have to use only a scanner, to get a clear documents. You can save files formatas PDForJPG whose size doesnot exceed 200 KB per a file. Avoid photocopying the documents using your mobile phone camera


Q. / If I applied to more than one university, including Umm Al Qura University, What are the consequences?


A. 16 / If you have been accepted atUmm Al-Qura University and another University, you have to cancel your acceptance of one of the two universities on the date specified in the admission guide, which can be downloaded from the Admission and Registration Deanship website



A. 17/ The names of the nominated residents will be sent to the Ministry of Education.As soon as we are informed of the accepted candidates, the names will be announced


External Transfer:

Q. 1 / Can I attach the academic record –marks record- that appears in my website

A. 1 / The record that appears to the student in his website is not considered an official document.   A certified record signed and stamped by the university should be attached. Generally, a student can get it from the Admission and Registration Deanship in his university.


Q. 2 / I did not get the marks of the second semester at the time of applying for transfer?

A. 2 / The marks of the first semester are enough to complete the procedures to approve the request, and when you get the approval later, you should bring a complete academic record, so we can proportion all subjects


Q. 3 / I'm an external student at my university, can I transfer to Umm Al Qura University?

A. 3 / External transfer are limited to attending students only. External students or students of distance-learning are not allowed to transfer.


Q. 4 / I finished the preparatory year at my university and I want to transfer to Umm Al Qura University. Will I be accepted to the specialization directly or will I have to repeat the preparatory year?

A. 4 / For male-students: If a student has successfully passed one semester at least after the preparatory year at his university, he is transferred to the department directly.

For female-students: The requirements of the preparatory year that have not been proportioned have to be completed first, and then she will be accepted in the specialization.
