Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Academic Acceleration Program

- 2021/11/02

Academic Acceleration Program


Introduction to the Program

Academic acceleration of the courses is a procedure which enables the university students to advance academically with a pace that fits their academic abilities and competencies. Students can enroll in this program after passing the exams of the courses held by the National Center for Assessment under the supervision of Umm Al-Qura University.

Program Objectives

The academic acceleration of courses at Umm Al-Qura University aims to:

  • Take into consideration the individual differences between students.
  • Improve the quality of education and reduce educational costs.
  • Create a stimulating learning environment that supports creativity and innovation.
  • Develop the abilities of gifted and talented students so that they can reach the maximum possible level of their potential.
  • Raise the efficiency of educational outputs to keep pace with modern global trends.
  • Give students the opportunity to utilize their academic years in training and studying courses.
  • Give students the opportunity to graduate early and begin making professional contributions and being productive.

Target Group:


          All Students of Umm Al-Qura University                 High School Students (Scientific Stream)

Courses of the Program:

Medical Colleges Stream

Nursing Stream

Engineering and Computing Stream

Administrative Colleges Stream

For details, click on the icon

The Virtual Introductory Program to Introduce the Courses of the Program

Dates of the Exam in the Qiyas Center


Admission Requirements for the Program:

Students will be admitted to the Academic Acceleration Program according to the following:

  1. The applicant must be a student at Umm Al-Qura University.
  2. Their suitability to the program.
  3. The capacity of each course offered for academic acceleration.

Rules for the Program:

  1. The minimum score for passing the academic acceleration course exams is 80.
  2. If the student does not pass any exam for the courses of the Academic Acceleration Program, he is required to study the course stated in his academic plan.
  3. If the student passes one or more courses of the program, the course will be calculated within the student's GPA.

Introductory Meetings to Explain the Program:

The Deanship of Admission and Registration intensifies the awareness and guidance programs related to the Academic Acceleration Program, explaining its vision, benefits, and orientations. The deanship also coordinates with the relevant academic departments to prepare intensive programs for the students nominated to enter the achievement tests of the academic acceleration courses.

Mechanism for Calculating the Courses of the Program:

When the student passes one or more courses of the program, the course will be calculated and equivalency will be conducted for it without a score being given.

Procedures for Academic Acceleration:

  1. Students are nominated to take the exams of the courses of the Academic Acceleration Program.
  2. Applicants should register to take the exams of the Academic Acceleration Program held by the National Center for Assessment.
  3. Applicants should attend a virtual introductory program to learn about the courses of the Academic Acceleration Program.
  4. Applicants should take the exams of the courses of the Academic Acceleration Program held by the National Center for Assessment.
  5. The college will announce the results of the exams of the courses of the Academic Acceleration Program.

Important Dates for the Program:




Announcement of the Program



Frequently Asked Questions on the Program


The Virtual Introductory Program to Introduce the Courses of the Academic Acceleration Program


From Monday



The introductory program will be held via WebEx


To Thursday





Exam Dates of the Courses of the Academic Acceleration in the Qiyas Center


From Sunday



The Joint First Year Students Nominated to Take the Exams Are Asked to Access the Website of the Qiyas Center to Book Dates for the Exams (Exams Are Free of Charge)

To Thursday





Exam Result

It will appear on the students’ page in the Qiyas Center within a week


**For results, please contact us via the following email:
