Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Dean of Student Affairs organizes a Discussion seminar

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Added on - 2016/04/25  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/04/25

Deanship of Student Affairs, represented in Guidance and Counseling Center in male and female students sections, organized a discussion seminar entitled "Our Security is our Responsibility" on Sunday 17/07/1437 A H, in King Abdul Aziz Historical Hall. His Eminence Imam of the Holy Mosque, Sheikh Dr. Khalid Ibn Ali Al-Ghamdi; the Dean of Arabic Language Institute for non-native speakers, the spokesman of the University, Dr. Adel Ibn Ahmad  Ba Naema; and His Excellency the Dean of student Affairs Dr. Amr Ibn Taha al-Saqqaf participated in the seminar.

The Dean of Student Affairs has started by welcoming the lecturers in this symposium. Then, he gave way to His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Khaled Al - Ghamdi to give his speech. His Eminence began by the praise of Allah and prayer to His prophet, peace be upon him. On this occasion, he thanked the Deanship of Student Affairs and those concerned with its affairs for the organization of this seminar.  Then, he explained that the subject is a very important one; as security is one of the greatest demands which guarantee the straightness of the lives of nations. This clearly appears by considering the state of the world before the prophetic mission until the present day, and the insecurity and turmoil it suffers from. He added that the greatest blessing Allah bestowed His servants is the security in themselves and in their homelands. He pointed out that security is the greatest demands required by the communities in all ages, and that Allah Almighty  made the country of the Two Holy Mosques  a shrine and a secure to people, and that security is an individual and social responsibility, and that each one is responsible for security in this country; each according to his abilities. He concluded that the Qur'an mentioned some of the reasons of security and that one of the greatest reasons for security is faith, good deeds and abandoning sins, evils, and abominations.

After that, Dr. Adel Ba Naema focused in his lecture on information security. He explained that the most important causes of security lax are young people’s escape from the tutelage of the community. He talked about the negligence and disabling of the mind and pursuing passion and desires by some people who think that they dominate the right path. He talked about the social networking, the rapid spread and congestion of information in them.

Then, the Dean of Student Affairs commented on the theme of the symposium. He explained that Islam is the religion of mediation and moderation, as evidenced by  many verses of the Qura’n and sayings of the Prophet 's. He added that the community needs social security to enjoy stability. This is achieved through unity and cohesion of the community. Once this is achieved, the community would be safe and strong. Such strength will not be dismantled nor controlled. After that, he left to give way to questions of male and female students to be answered by the guests of the seminar.

In conclusion, the Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Amr Ibn Taha al-Saqqaf thanked both His Eminence Imam of the Holy Mosque, Sheikh Dr. Khalid Ibn Ali Al-Ghamdi, and the Dean of Arabic Language Institute for non-native speakers, the spokesman of the University, Dr. Adel Ibn Ahmad  Ba Naema for their participation in this seminar and wished them further progress and prosperity.
