Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

His Excellency the President of the University Honors the Former Director of the Science and Technology Unit

Added on - 2020/10/17  |  اخر تعديل - 2020/10/17

His Excellency the President of Umm Al-Qura University, Prof. Abdullah bin Omar Bafail, in his office on Monday, 18 Safar, 1442 A.H., honored the Director of the Science and Technology Unit at the University's Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Emad bin Abdul-Razzaq Felemban, for the efforts he extended during his tenure in the unit.

His Excellency praised his efforts and the role that His Excellency played, which had a great impact on upgrading the services of the Science and Technology Unit and developing its administrative system.

Dr. Felemban spent nearly four years directing the unit, during which he was able to implement thirty-six research projects, launch the scientific output portal for the “Maarifah [Knowledge]” project, run a “postdoctoral research” program for two years, and sign four contracts for the “Minah [Scholarships]” projects for postgraduate students.
