Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Some of the Work of the General Department of Educational Services During the Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic

University Community
Added on - 2020/06/17  |  اخر تعديل - 2020/06/17

Some of the Work of the General Department of Educational Services During the Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic:

  • Preparing lecture halls with the latest educational equipment, including presentation tools, distance education devices, and sound insulators.
  • Preparing lecture halls with modern desks which facilitate the educational process.
  • Preparing lecture halls with modern and high quality chairs.
  • Participating in preparing the UQU's field hospital.
  • Maintaining the lecture halls and laboratories at Al-Zahir campus (female section).

To learn about the latest work and achievements of the department, please follow us on Twitter @EduServicesUQU 
