Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Wise Leadership and a Loyal People: The Iris Surrounding the Pupil

General News , Featured news , Accomplishments ,
Added on - 2020/03/26  |  اخر تعديل - 2020/03/26

During the global crisis related to confronting the Corona pandemic that has invaded the continents of the earth, from the east to the west - without warning - and passed through the country of the Two Holy Mosques, which lies specifically at the heart of the world, the Saudi people continue their daily lives relying on solid capabilities. They know that their national leaders are sparing no effort in managing the crisis and restoring security. They are hopeful that this stage is only a summer cloud, which, no matter how gloomy, will inevitably pass, and they will resume the path towards achieving development and the dreams they hold for the country in which they live.

But it can be that one is residing in this country like the pupil in the eye, as well described by a man from one of the sister countries, during his interview with one of the channels. His hands were strongly clutching the microphone, fearing that at any moment it might be taken away from him before completing his talk about the generosity of Saudi Arabia and its hospitality towards its guests. He refuted the allegations that it had closed its doors and prevented any visitors to the Two Holy Sanctuaries. He explained that the epidemic had presented itself as a major obstacle that required the closing of the Saudi borders. because the leadership of the country was keen to ensure the safety of its people.

Safe Chains

The pupil of the eye are words which the speaker used to describe the country's care towards its people, the same as a mother looks after her children. As soon as the spread of the virus was evident in neighboring countries, there was effective cooperation between the different systems and sectors of the country, along with harmonious movement among them, which formed safe and protective chains. The country supplied the basic needs of the citizens so that they could rest safely and comfortably in their homes; this was primarily out of fear that they could be harmed - Allah forbid. At the same time, it stood as a shield against the spread of the epidemic through a group of precautionary measures that surpassed international standards in dealing with crises. Thus, it successfully established itself as a role model.

Level of Self-sufficiency

There is a great correlation between the constriction of the pupil when exposed to sufficient light and the care that our Kingdom has provided to its citizens. It acts like a light that illuminates the darkness of their stay in their homes for a short period to ensure health security - which is considered the best way to contain the crisis. Even though some people consider these measures to be restrictive, they are in fact an embodiment of the level of self-sufficiency which the citizens have reached through the generous attention paid to all their needs. Moreover, the country has not allowed the wheels of knowledge and work to stop; rather, it has provided the means for their continuation by implementing remote educational systems. In this manner, it has brought the whole world into people's homes.

Remote Development

The leadership has had a watchful eye over the country. It monitored the impending danger before it occurred. It made a series of important decisions within a short period of time, in accordance with systematic plans to manage the domains of medicine, education, catering, commercial control, and others. It also took appropriate decisions pertaining to creating a parallel work system so that development does not stop. It entrusted the responsibility for conducting daily life issues to the relevant decision makers, so they replaced work systems in the various sectors as well as the educational process in schools and universities with distance education systems. This could be a prelude to an integrated smart government, whose realization has been accelerated, rather than imposed, by the crisis.

Now the question is: will the people prove themselves loyal to our government, which forms a circle that acts as a pupil, to offer a way out of this crisis, by observing self-quarantine at homes to prove to the whole world that Saudi Arabia is in the heart of every citizen?
