Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Technology Saves Time and Effort in the Male and Female Sections of Umm Al-Qura University

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Added on - 2019/12/24  |  اخر تعديل - 2019/12/24

Since the early morning, bustle common during this time of the semester was felt everywhere. The atmosphere of anticipation and readiness prevails throughout the area. The students are grouped in circles here and there around their notes, taking a last-minute look at summarized information before entering the exam halls. Everyone is on time... These are the final exams for the first semester of the year 1441 A.H.

As the exam time approaches, commotion increases in the university hallways. Voices rise on the day of the harvest. Many groups of students gather around a review sheet to grasp some pieces of information before entering the exam halls. The eyes are fixed, with mixed feelings, on the entrances of the halls, which have been prepared to receive male and female students in both sections of the university.

Integrated equipment:

The student Ahmad Al-Qarni remarked that the department provided all the needs of the students, adding that the head of the department, course instructors, and the secretariat did not hesitate for even a second in responding to any questions from the students. This became evident from the thorough preparations taken with regard to increasing the students' morale and providing needed logistical equipment prior to entering the exam halls, according to the electronically prepared schedules. These schedules have been printed out and posted on the department secretariat bulletin boards.

He continued, saying, "Some schedules were officially stamped and signed by the head of the department, so that students could make use of them as supporting evidence to their employers to take days off for their exams. It is a praiseworthy effort performed by the administration for the benefit of the students. It made the students very pleased and satisfied."

A quick survey made clear to everyone that both students and faculty members agree that the university has facilitated many beneficial services in the college departments and all venues.

Electronic portal:

The student Muhammad Al-Malki believes he has benefited from all the invaluable services provided, such as schedules, which have been made available through the electronic application that students can access anywhere via their mobile devices. Moreover, summary notes for the courses they will be tested on are available on the e-learning portal. This portal also serves as an electronic channel for communication between the students and their course instructors. Courses are made accessible to students on this portal, once the course instructor has uploaded them. In addition, there are many other services that save much effort and time during the exam period.

External resources:

Dr. Hasan Al-Harthi, from the Department of English Language, confirms that external learning resources have been added as e-learning material, in addition to the regular curriculum. He stated that students represent the true criteria for measuring the academic performance of the course instructors. He also added that the students had ample opportunities to prepare for the exams, as the courses finished two weeks before the start of the tests and students had the chance to direct any questions or enquiries on the course material to their course instructors.

Great services:

Mr. Bandar Muhammad Masoud, a teaching assistant at Umm Al-Qura University, indicated that the university provided great services to the students and faculty members alike. These include technical and electronic services provided on the university website, the e-learning portal, and the Blackboard system, by virtue of which the students and the faculty members can communicate directly with each other. Moreover, these services make it easier for the students to submit their homework, while the course instructors can easily upload educational courses and other important material of great use to the students.

Technical development:

His Excellency the Dean of E-Learning and Distance Education, Dr. Khalid Al-Mutairi, emphasized that, in light of the technological development in the educational field worldwide and the fact that various countries are seeking to keep abreast of these developments, the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education at Umm Al-Qura University provides an attractive and appropriate educational environment, and is working on providing a host of services and systems, thanks to the direct support of His Excellency the UQU President, Prof. Abdullah Bafail, and UQU Vice President for Educational Affairs, His Excellency Dr. Ahmad Babalghith. This support positively reflects on the performance of both students and faculty members, at the same time.

Field tours:

In the female students’ section, the University Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Sarah Al-Khuli, checked the process of the exam administration during an inspection tour at Al-Zahir campus. She made sure that the exams were running properly, and that all the needs of the students were met.

The Vice President for Female Student Affairs made it clear that the colleges have been given all the powers to enhance effective communication with the female students and facilitate their affairs, in order for the work to be more flexible. She noted that female students benefited greatly from the technical services provided by the university, especially the Blackboard system and the e-learning portal. She also pointed out that a special service has been made available to book the exam rooms electronically, in order to facilitate and speed up the completion of administrative work.
