The Department of Psychology held an academic meeting entitled: "Poster Day", under the supervision of His Excellency Dr. Dhiyab Al-Maliki. The meeting was held in the training hall at the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, on Sunday, 18 Rabi` Al-Thani, 1441 A.H.
The objective of the academic meeting was to evaluate research projects submitted by PhD program students (Specialization of Psychological Counseling and Specialization of Learning Psychology) as an integral part of the Experimental Research Design Course, where research projects were designed and presented in the form of scientific posters. The meeting was attended and evaluated by a number of academic staff members at the Department of Psychology, namely: Prof. Rabi` Taha, Prof. Hisham Mukhaimar, Prof. Yasir Hifni, Dr. Abdullah Attas, Dr. Hani Sa`id, and Dr. Ahmad Al-Hawrani.
Furthermore, the meeting was attended and evaluated by a number of academic staff members from all specializations at the College of Education. The meeting was academically fruitful. On their parts, the academic staff members participating in the evaluation commended the scientific research presented by the students, describing them as innovators.