Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

UQU Considers the Establishment of the World's First Environmentally Friendly Smart Medical City

General News , Featured news , Accomplishments ,
Added on - 2019/05/24  |  اخر تعديل - 2019/05/24

In his office today, His Excellency the President of Umm Al-Qura University, Dr. Abdullah Bafail, reviewed the proposal of the investment project "Umm Al-Qura University's Medical City." The project, which will be the world's first environmentally friendly smart medical city, was proposed by one of the national companies specializing in the field of health care. This occurred in the presence of a number of businessmen and advisors, including Prof. Yahia Al-Wazna, Dr. Abdullah Al-Qurashi, Dr. Nabil Mishah, Dr. Muataz Al-Qinawy, Dr. Emad Al-Jahdli, and both advisors of His Excellency, Dr. Abdullah Al-Dhibiani and Dr. Tawfiq Al-Sharif.

His Excellency the UQU President listened to a detailed explanation of the project, including the establishment of an educational hospital to international standards that works on the basis of "hub & spokes" which many specialized medical centers follow to integrate the facilities and establish an environmentally friendly smart medical city.

The project aims to provide excellent medical care, integrated health services, and excellence in specific medical specializations. It will also implement the concept of saving energy and being self-sufficient, and seeks to implement the concept of smart buildings, smart health information systems and, ultimately, a smart digital medical city.

In turn, Dr. Abdullah Al-Dhbiani, the Advisor to His Excellency the UQU President for Investment Affairs, clarified that this project will contribute to achieving the programs of privatization and joint cooperation between both the public and the private sectors (PPP) that benefit the supreme economic interest of the homeland. He promised that a great leap would be created by the project in the optimization of the health services submitted to the UQU's employees and the Makkan community.

His Excellency the President of Umm Al-Qura University, Dr. Abdullah Bafail, praised the steps taken by the project team, affirming that it will serve the university's community and the Makkan community. He expressed appreciation for the support and attention given by the wise leadership - May Allah assist them - to the UQU to keep pace with Saudi Vision 2030, through the support and follow-up of His Excellency the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad bin Muhammad Al Al-Sheikh, given to all the matters that promote the UQU's activities and projects.
