Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

4 Local and Regional Awards Gained by Umm Al-Qura University for Documentary and Educative Films

General News , Featured news , Accomplishments ,
Added on - 2019/03/19  |  اخر تعديل - 2019/03/19

His Excellency Prof. Abdullah bin Omar Bafail, the President of Umm Al-Qura University, received four awards, gained by the Department of Mass Communication at the College of Social Sciences on the local level and the level of the Arab World, in documentary and educative films. This took place during his reception at his office of the Dean of the College Dr. Adnan Al-Harbi, the Head of the Mass Communication Department, Dr. Salim Urijah, and the students who participated in the competitions.

His Excellency congratulated the students of the department on such distinguished achievements. He added that their reception of awards comes as a result of the existence of a highly qualified academic staff and an educational environment that attracts knowledge and learning. Such an environment contributes in graduating national cadres that serve their country and community.

Dr. Adnan Al-Harbi stressed that the meeting of His Excellency the President of the University with distinguished students and his encouraging them increase their keenness to attain practical and educational achievement. He indicated that their participation in competitions brings honor to the college.

Dr. Salim Urijah, the Head of the Mass Communication Department, stressed that the students gained the third position in the field of short feature films for a film called, 'Miracle'. There were a total of 38 Arabic Universities who competed in this international competition of the Fourth Shorouk Festival for the Creativity of Media Students.

The Head of the Department of Mass Communication added that the students of the department gained the first and second positions from among 19 films offered in the field of educative films at the 10th Scientific Meeting organized by Umm Al-Qura University. Students also gained the second position from among 69 competitors for a film in the Abu Ajram Competition that was organized by Abu Ajram municipality in Al-Jouf.

The winning students in these competitions praised the keenness of His Excellency the President of University, and commended the support of the Dean of the College and the Head of the Department. They asserted that they would strive to develop their skills and professional knowledge, and actively contribute in creating feature films and movies.
