Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

New Scientific Achievement by the UQU Journal of Language Sciences and Literature

News , Accomplishments ,
Added on - 2018/12/30  |  اخر تعديل - 2019/10/28

The UQU Journal of Language Sciences and Literature has recently received the Arab Certificate Impact Factor (ARCIF), issued by e-Marefa – Arab Electronic Database, for the current year 2018, which is compliant with International Standards.
The Journal extends sincere thanks and appreciation to the UQU President and the UQU Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research for the support they provide the scientific journals of the University. 

Thanks and appreciation are also extended to the ex-Editors-in-Chief and members of editorial boards of the UQU Journal of Language Sciences and Literature for their significant efforts, which paved the way to this historical achievement. Moreover, the journal extends thanks to the Department of Scientific Journals and all its staff for their constructive cooperation in developing the administrative, technical and e-system of the University journals.   

May Allah grant everyone success in serving and upgrading the University for it to become one of the world's prominent [educational] institutions.

