In its issue 20280 dated 23 Safar, 1440 A.H., corresponding to 1/11/2018, the Saudi Al-Madina Newspaper reported, in a press interview with the officials of the College of Judicial Studies and Systems, on 50 employment vacancies for the graduates of the Faculty of Judicial Studies and Systems, as follows:
10 specialized positions: including the Shari`ah and legal consultancy positions.
15 administrative positions: including positions in the local administration and various management positions. It also includes openings in the high level administration, middle and direct supervisory administration It also includes opening positions in the Employees Affairs administration.
12 religious positions: including positions in the religious administration, Ifta', counseling, Da'wah and guidance, religious associations, and judicial auxiliary positions.
11 operation-related positions, including labor Hajj, `Umrah, passports, civil status positions, and trade positions.
The following is a copy of the press interview held between the officials of the Faculty of Judicial Studies and Systems, and editors of Al-Madinah Newspaper: