Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Developing an Innovative Model to Link Parties Directly Involved in Serving Pilgrims

Participations , Featured news , Events ,
Added on - 2018/05/02  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/05/02

The researchers in the 18th Meeting for Hajj and Umrah Research presented in the 5th session an innovative model to link bodies involved in serving pilgrims. The engineering studies session discussed the scientific and innovative methods and techniques used in the management of crowds and large human gatherings in four work papers.


Researcher Fayez Saleh Jamal, member of Board of Directors of the National Tawafa Establishment for Pilgrims of Arabian Countries, referred to the importance of developing a model embracing five elements connected to each other including; Tawafa establishment, partners, services, financial services, and pilgrims. The model was approved by 73 experts and persons involved in the Tawafa establishments who participated in specialized workshops to check on the model, examine its contents and then approving it.  


He confirmed that the model application is a way to incorporate strategic management thinking and methods in Tawafa Establishments and a simple tool to connect its plans and strategies with the operational implementation in such manner which will have a positive impact on their performance. 


He noted that the performance measurement and management in Tawafa establishments will contribute to implementing strategies, and enriching literature in the field of performance measurement and management in the non-mature small and medium businesses.


He went on to add that the research contributes to developing the performance of Tawafa establishments, and improving quality of the services provided for pilgrims by integrating concepts of strategic management in works of the establishments by such a mean of developing a balanced and multi-dimensional model for the performance measurement and management in these establishments. 


Whilst, researcher Dr. Mohamed bin Abdullah Idris from the Custodian of Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj and Umrah Research said: regardless of the necessary measures and procedures taken by those responsible for the management of the major human gatherings including; security forces, civil defense, and the necessary arrangements,  these crowds might be interrupted. He then reviewed the most important principles to be followed to achieve safety and security in the places of crowds gathering and the importance of revising the former field studies and information by defining the huge gatherings, physical designing and urban spaces for their direct relation with the places of huge gatherings.  


Within the same vein, the researcher Dr. Wael Halabi from the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture submitted a proposal to provide routes for vehicles and pedestrians and areas to download/upload passengers at the Holy Mosque streets pointing to Azizia district south to Mina site as one of the preferred housing areas during Hajj period. He also shed light on some regulatory affairs to make use of the provided services perfectly beside creating a regulatory mechanism to provide a temporary secure environment for pedestrians.   


Another study presented by the researchers; the Dean of the Custodian of Two Holy Mosques for Hajj and Umrah Research Dr. Sami Yassin Barhamain and the researchers in the Institute Dr. Ayman Mohamed Mostafa and Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Hilali on the facilities' quality assessment during Ramadan 1438 Umrah season from Umrah performers' point of view, found that they are satisfied with cleaning services in the Grand Mosque.     


The comparative analysis of the study's results on sex basis found variation between females and males in their dissatisfaction with six elements including;  easy movement inside the Grand mosque, easy access to toilets, services on arrival passages, noise level, the easy movement to upper stairs. While the comparative analysis didn't find any substantial differences based on education level and age groups. 

