Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Higher Committee for Administrative Development Discusses Standards of Sending its Affiliates to Join Graduate Studies Programs

Participations , Featured news , Employees ,
Added on - 2018/02/28  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/02/28

The Standing Committee of Administrative Development in Umm Al-Qura University held its 7th meeting today under the chairmanship of the UQU President Dr. Bakri bin M'atooq bin Bakri Assas in the presence of the Deputy Head of the Committee Dr. Yassir bin Suleiman Shoushou, UQU Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Thamir bin Hamdan Al-Harbi and the members of the committee. The meeting took place at the Abdyia-based university campus. 


At the beginning of the meeting, the UQU President Dr. Bakri Assas welcomed the attendees wishing for the meeting to come up with such type of recommendations serving the university and boosting performance quality of its affiliates.  He then referred to the importance of the committee's role and its decisions which will upgrade administrative work system in all sectors of the university.


For his part, the UQU Vice President and the Deputy Head of the Committee Dr. Yassir Shoushou expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the UQU President for his concern and continuous support provided  for developing administrative work in the university branding his excellence's chairmanship of the meeting, held by the Higher Committee for Administrative Development in the university, as a sign of his lasting keenness to upgrade administrative work system in different sectors of the university. 


After that, the Director of the Administrative Development Unit in the University Mr. Waleed Sumbawa  reviewed the work schedule of the committee and the topics to be discussed by the meeting. 


It should be mentioned here that the committee discussed the topics intended to raise level and qualification of the university affiliates in such manner which will achieve the sought-after objectives by the program of the administrative development, boost efficiency of the workers scientifically and technically, and set necessary standards which will enable them to join graduate studies programs inside and outside the university to develop their personal and scientific capabilities. 
