Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Participants in Hisbah Conference Thank the King for Patronizing Science and Hisbah Rite

Participations , Featured news , Events ,
Added on - 2018/02/15  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/02/15

At its conclusion, the participants of Hisbah Scientific Conference “National Belonging and Intellectual Security”, which is being organized by the Higher Institute for Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice at the Umm Al-Qura University, expressed their thanks and appreciation for King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques; and Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the Crown Prince, First Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Defense, for their support and care given to science, scientists and scientific research, in addition to their support for the Hisbah works that produce national belonging and intellectual security. They also thanked Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Minister of Interior, for his support, care and blessings are given for holding such a conference.

During the wrap-up session of the work of the conference, headed by Dr. Bakri bin M'atooq Assas, UQU President, and attended by a number of the Excellencies and Highnesses; the participants stressed on the necessity of the national unity between the ruler and the people, which should be built on the legitimate Bay` an (a pledge of allegiance) that is emerged from the principle of loyalty to the rulers in the hard and easy times. They also stressed on the importance of loving the rulers and praying for them; be obedient to them in good; forbidding rebellion against them, and advising them as per the Sharia regulations by the qualified and trusted scientists only. They highlighted that the unity between the ruler and people is the reason behind the good of the nation, spreading cordiality, the stability and security of the state, the economic development, strength of the state’s institutions, and moving away from dissent, division, and disagreement.

The participants recommended that the ritual of promoting virtue and preventing vice be considered as obedience and worship to God, as per the Sharia texts, and keeping it away from being abused in strikes, demonstrations, rebellion against the ruler, endanger the society’s peace and security, and others of vices of the Khawarij approach.

Moreover, they called on giving due care to the Hisbah ritual and supporting its programs and activities that would lead to achieving the national belonging and intellectual security, in addition to benefiting from the Saudi successful experience in this field and highlighting its excellence in applying of such a ritual, as a model to be followed by the other Islamic universities in every country that would like to be strong and preserve its foundations of survival and secret of pride. They pointed to the necessity of the cooperation between the scientists, preachers, mentors, educators and media professionals to raise the awareness of the individuals in the society about their need for the effective Hisbah that produces security and stability in the society, which will yield moderate religion, sound intellect, security, useful economic development, and coherent community strength when Mohtaseben commit to their duties assigned to them by the country and everybody cooperate to do their duties.

 They stressed on supporting the programs of universities, postgraduate institutions, schools, mosques, educational institutions, community institutions, and family to advise students and the public on what would benefit them and their society, such as to be truthful and careful in choosing the useful programs, in addition to guide them to the secure browsers in the Internet pages and teach them how to best use the different media platforms. They also should help them in understanding and be spreading the provisions of Hisbah that were stated in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, and understand their benefits and impacts, in addition, to highlight their role in promoting the national belonging and achieving the intellectual security. They should also guide them towards anything that would strengthen the cooperation and unity between the society’s individuals.

Furthermore, they called on increasing and activating the fruitful cooperation between the General Presidency of the Higher Institute for Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice from one side and the UQU, College of D'awa and Ehtesab, King Abdullah Chair for Hisbah, the Saudi Scientific Society for Hisbah, and the research centers in the Saudi universities from the other side to point out the importance of the Hisbah ritual and its great impacts in the life of the individual and society, and also to highlight its great role in protecting the right creed; fortifying from whatever annals faith like polytheism and sorcery; correcting the worship; spreading virtue and good manners; achieving the security and peace of the society and protecting it from the intellectual deviation that would lead to exaggeration and extremism.

The participants highlighted that Hisbah is the responsibility of the members of the society for their responsibility towards families and children and the official responsibility of the Mohtaseben specially who are assigned by the country according to their determined validities in the fruitful system of the Higher Institute for Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice in encouraging people to do good deeds and leave out the vices by wisdom and good exhortation, to preserve security and general system of the society, and be committed to the Shariah regulations and regulatory directives in fostering rights of the members of the society, in addition to conforming to manners.

They encouraged the universities to hold conferences, seminars, courses and workshops about the issues of Hisbah and for serving its objectives; to work on training the Hisbah cadres to be of special capabilities; to develop the Ehtesab field work mechanisms to serve this ritual and twin with the regime; to support the Hisbah body to perform its role in raising the awareness of the members of the society about the importance of Hisbah and highlight its achievements in terms of security and safety of the society; and to put precise scientific strategy to fix all the present challenges that face the work of the field Mohtaseben. This strategy should be implemented by scientific experts through universities, scientific research centers, and research chairs.

They also called for expanding the activity of Hisbah to include the social media network, as it is among the means that could contribute to developing the activity of Hisbah work to the electronic Ehtesab via the Internet pages and the social media. They stressed on broadening the circle of motivating people to make virtues and supporting and encouraging the participation of different categories of people, like women, in the Hisbah works, in addition to some different regulatory organizations in the society and giving care to the modern and innovative means concerning the Ehtesab performance.

The participants called for promoting the works and duties of Hisbah in a way that would contribute to the intellectual security and achieve the national belonging. They lauded the great role of the Ideological War Center; ETIDAL Center; Mohammed Bin Naif Counseling and Care Center; the Interior Ministry's Department of Intellectual  Security; Saudi State Security; National Anti-Corruption Commission; Saudi Customs; and other bodies. They also stressed on the importance of conducting scientific studies that would anticipate the future of Hisbah and its application. These studies should be based on extrapolation and analysis. They also called for developing a code of ethics between the Hisbah scientists and a selection of experts to achieve the nation’s aspirations in the knowledge economy and sustainable development and fix the intellectual, economic, social and moral problems.

The participants recommended that a research excellence center to be established and adopted by the UQU, represented by the the Higher Institute for Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice, to serve the ritual of Hisbah, with an objective of investing the Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice in a way that is in line with the National Transformation Program 2020 and the Saudi Vision 2030. This center would also promote the ritual of the Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice with the Hisbah modern studies, according to the developments; contribute to achieving the intellectual security and national belonging; preparing specialized research cadres to deepen the scientific research in the Hisbah studies; and activating the achieving Shariah purposes. They also recommended that this blessed conference shall be a start for following and continuous conferences in fixing the Hisbah issues and to be internationally held for the benefit of all.

At the end, the participants expressed their thanks to Khalid Al-Faisal Al Saud, the current Governor of Makkah Province; Prince Abdullah bin Bandar bin Abdul Aziz, Deputy Governor of Makkah Region, for the care given to the UQU and its various events. They also thanked Dr. Ahmed bin Mohamed Al-Issa, Minister of Education, for his support and follow up on the UQU activities, programs and events; and to Dr. Bakri bin M'atooq Assas, UQU President, for his auspices and great support to make the conference successful. Thanks were also directed to Dr. Yassir Al-Qahtani, the Dean of the Higher Institute for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, and all the conference’s committees for their efforts that yielded the success of this conference.  

