Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

23 Researches and Work Papers in 2nd Day of Hesbah Scientific Conference

Participations , Featured news , Events ,
Added on - 2018/02/14  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/02/14

The participants presented 23 researches and work papers in the Hesbah Scientific Conference, which is being organized by the Higher Institute for Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice at the Umm Al-QuraUniversity. The presentations were done over three scientific sessions held on Wednesday, as a part of the conference’s events.

In the scientific session headed by Dr. Qais bin Mohamed Aal Al-Sheikh Mubarak, a former Member of the Supreme Judiciary Committee, and tackled the topic of (Hesbah and Promoting the Value of National Belonging), Dr. Adel bin Mohamed Al-Omary, the Assistant Professor at Qassim University, presented a research titled (Al-Ehtesab of vice through the indications of the Quranic texts) “الاحتساب على المنكر من خلال دلالات النص القرآني”. Also, Dr. Ashraf bin Mahmoud bani Kenana, the Professor at the UQU College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, presented a work paper under the title of  (The prophetic Ehtesab, its indications, and some of its impacts on achieving the intellectual security) “الاحتساب النبوي دلالاته وبعض آثاره في تحقيق الأمن الفكري”, while Dr. Mohamed Alem bin Abu Al-Bashar ShaherMolouk, from Makkah Holy Quran Memorization Association, talked about (The role of Hisbah in the prophetic traditions (Sunnah) and its impact in protecting the society from the intellectual deviation) “دورالحسبة في السنة النبوية وأثرها في وقاية المجتمع من الانحراف الفكري". Dr. Alaa Aldin Al-Amin Al-Zaki, the Professor at Khartoum University, discussed the semantics of the prophetic saying (Whoever amongst you sees an evil, he must change it) (من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره) on the provisions, while Dr. Jamal Nour Aldin Idris Hassan, the Associate Professor at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, talked about (The means of changing vice between constants and variables) "وسائل تغيير المنكر بين الثوابت والمتغيرات”. Additionally, Dr. Aziza Saied Shaher Al-Saiedy presented a work paper titled (Dialogue and its impact on promoting the students’ value of national belonging and intellectual security) "الحوار وأثره في تعزيز الانتماء الوطني والأمن الفكري عن الطلاب". The session was concluded by a work paper presented by Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Shehary, from the Research and Studies Center at the General Presidency of the Higher Institute for Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice, about (The efforts of Institute’s General Presidency in promoting the value of national belonging and intellectual security)"جهود الرئاسة العامة لهيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر في تعزيز الانتماء الوطني والأمن الفكري".

The third scientific session headed by Dr. Mohamed bin Ali Al-Eqla, the former Head of the Islamic University, and tackled the topic of (The Role of Hisbah in Promoting Intellectual Security in the Society) saw the presentation of Dr. Ibrahim bin Khalil bani Salama, the Assistant Professor at Imam University, for a research about  (The prophetic sayings about the loyalty to the rulers and their impacts on achieving the intellectual security) "أحاديث السمع والطاعة لولاة الأمر، وأثرها في تحقيق الأمن الفكري”, while the research of Dr. Abdil Rahman bin Amry Al-Saiedy, the Associate Professor at TaibahUniversity, was about (Criticizing Rulers - Hadith Study) “الإنكار على الولاة – دراسة حديثية “. Dr. Ali bin AbdoHakmy, the Assistant Professor at Najran University, talked in his research about (Ancestors approach in counseling the rulers, its norms, and impact in protecting the society from the deviation)"منهج السلف في مناصحة ولاة الأمر قواعده وأثره في وقاية المجتمع من الانحراف”. Moreover, Dr. Samira bint Salem Ba-Jaber, the Assistant Professor at UQU, presented a work paper under the theme of (The Role of Hesbah in Promoting National Values and Preserving the Intellectual Security - Educational Study) "الحسبة ودورها في تعزيز القيم الوطنية وحفظ الأمن الفكري - دراسة تربوية”, while Dr. Iman Abdul Rahman Maghrabi, the Assistant Professor at UQU, discussed her research about "الاحتساب في (Al-Ehtesab against rumors and its role in the security of societies) صدِّ الشائعات ودوره في أمن المجتمعات". Another research was presented under the title of (The role of Hesbah in protecting the society from the intellectual deviation) "دور الحسبة في وقاية المجتمع من الانحراف الفكري” by Dr. Hassan bin Yehia Al-Shehary, the Assistant Professor at Shaqra University. Dr. Afaf bint Hassan bin Mohamed Mokhtar Al-Hashimy talked about (The role of Hesbah in protecting the society from the intellectual deviation and fighting it) "دور الحسبة في وقاية المجتمع من الانحراف الفكري ومواجهته”, while Dr. Dhaif Allah bin Mohamed Al-Dhaia’an, the Secretary-General of the Association of Purposive Visual Media, presented a work paper titled (Confronting rumors and what disrupt the national unity via the different media and social media platforms) "التصدي للشائعات وما يفت في اللحمة الوطنية عبر وسائل الإعلام المختلفة ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي". The session was concluded by a work paper presented by Mr. Salah bin Saleh bin Ka’awat Al-Harethy, about (The means of the Institute to promote the national belonging and intellectual security). "وسائل هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر في تعزيز الانتماء الوطني والأمن الفكري".

During the fourth scientific session that was headed by Ghazi bin Murshid Al-Otaibi, the Dean of the UQU College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, and tackled the topic of “The Role of Governmental Sectors, Community Uprising Institution and Charity Work in Employing Al-Ehtesab in Promoting the National Belonging and Intellectual Security Values”, as set by Dr. Ali bin Ibrahim Al-Nahary, the Vice Dean of the Higher Institute for Promotion of Value and Prevention of Vice at the Umm Al-Qura University; a work paper was presented by Dr. Belal Mahmoud Abo Qadoum, the Assistant Professor at Amman Arab University, under the title of (Hesbah and its role in achieving the psychological and social security) "الحسبة ودورها في تحقيق الأمن النفسي والاجتماعي", while another was by Dr. Atef Said Al-Jawad, the Assistant Professor at UQU, about (The intellectual security and its relation to the emotional intelligence and decision making - for university students) "الأمن الفكري وعلاقته بالذكاء الانفعالي واتخاذ القرار – لدى طلبة الجامعة". Dr. Mohamed Abdul Dayem Al-Jendy, the Associate Professor at King Faisal University, tackled his research that is about (Ways of promoting the emotional adjustment and intellectual perception in Islam, a supportive vision for the applications of modern Hesbah in the intellectual security)  "سبل تعزيز التوافق الانفعالي وأنماط الوعي  الفكري في الإسلام رؤية داعمة لتطبيقات الحسبة المعاصرة في الأمن الفكري", while Mr. Hussein Al-Mubaraki discussed his work paper about (The efforts of the Institute in training the Mohtasebeen and its impact on their performance) "جهود المعهد العالي للأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر في تدريب المحتسبين وأثره على أدائهم"،. Dr. Fahd bin Mohamed Al-Waheby presented a research about (The role of the family upbringing in promoting the values of national belonging and intellectual security)"دور التنشئة الأسرية في تعزيز قيم الانتماء الوطني والأمن الفكري” and Dr. Emad Omar Khalaf Allah, the Associate Professor at Qassim University, talked about the topic of (The role of the family in promoting the values of national belonging and intellectual security)"دور الأسرة في تعزيز قيم الانتماء الوطني والأمن الفكري". The session was concluded by a work paper for Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman Al-Watban, the Head of Al-Mohtaseba Center, titled (The comprehensiveness of Hesbah and its role in promoting intellectual security)"شمولية الحسبة ودورها في تعزيز الأمن الفكري".

