Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Vice-president attends the opening of the “Alfaisal: Witness and Martyr” exhibit

Participations , Community , Events ,
Added on - 2016/05/31  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/05/31

On behalf of the University Director, the Umm Al-Qura University Vice-president, Dr Yasser ibn Suleiman Shushu  attended the opening ceremony of the ‘Alfaisal: Witness and Martyr” exhibit on Monday, May 29th, 2016. The exhibit was opened by his Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and governor of Makkah region. It is organized by the Holy Makkah Municipality. Present at the ceremony were his Royal Highness Prince Turk Al Faisal, the supervisor-general of the King Faisal Center for Researches and Islamic Studies, along with a number of officials. The Exhibit opening ceremony took place at the Holy Makkah Municipality club in Alkhalidiah neighborhood, Makkah. 

Shortly after Prince Khalid Al Faisal arrived at the exhibit, he went on tour around it. He got familiarized with what the exhibit features in terms of items displaying the biography of King Faisal ibn Abdul-Aziz and the achievements he made for his country people and his human, charitable deeds.  

          During the ceremonial oratory held on this occasion, Makkah Secretary-General Dr Usama ibn Fadl Albar delivered a speech welcoming the governor of Makkah region and Prince Turki Al Faisal and attendance. He also underlined that the Municipality takes pride in organizing such an exhibit in collaboration and coordination with the King Faisal Center for Researches and Islamic Studies.    

Dr Usama went on to point out that the exhibit captures the biography of King Faisal in an audiovisual domain. Also, the exhibit features King Faisal’s personal belongings and the most prominent phases in his life whether it is the events before taking the helm of the country, or the outstanding issues he faces during his tenure. He similarly highlighted that the exhibit coincides with the summer holiday; it runs through June 24th, 2016.

Dr Usama further pointed out that a number of researchers presented a profile about Prince Khalid Al Faisal’s achievements in Makkah. Researcher Dr Ma’araj Nawab Marza prepared a presentation about “Al Faisal in Makkah…Places and Events”; and Dr Sultan Altas made a presentation about “King Faisal and Sacred Mosque Expansion”. And Mr. Hassan Shua’aib made a presentation about” King Faisal in Makkah Occasions…Look on his Speeches and Media”.

In a similar fashion, Dr Usama made clear that female cultural event titled “Girl’s Teaching …Witness and Martyr” are being planned. It is to kick off during the exhibit’s female opening with the attendance of their Royal Highness King Faial’s daughters.  The events also feature poetry reading titled “Al Faisal in Poetic Discourse” due on Wednesday evening, June 1, 2016, in collaboration with the Makkah literary culture club.    

Concluding his speech, Dr Usama offered thanks and appreciation to Prince Khalid Al Faisal for opening the exhibit, and to Prince Turki Al Faisal for accepting the Municipality hosting it. He also extended thanks and appreciation to the researchers and those took part in the exhibit events. 

Afterwards, researcher Dr Sultan Altas made a presentation about the expanding of the Sacred Mosque in the reign of King Faial ibn Abdul-Aziz and how to maintain his legacy. He further highlighted King Faisal’s interest in the Sacred Mosques and its expanding to the effect that he took the initiative of having the ottoman corridor re-installed after getting it restored. Then, researcher Hassan Shua’aib spoke about King Faisal’s speeches on Makkah-based occasions; namely the Hajj season. Finally, researcher Dr Mia’arj Nawab Marza shone light on King Faisal’s accomplishments in the form of images which he explained and commented on them.  

Wrapping up the opening ceremony, the attendance watched a visual presentation about King Faisal’s achievements and charitable deeds. Then, the Governor of Makkah honored those sponsored and participated in the “Al Faisal….Witness and Martyr” exhibit. And he also received a token on this occasion from the Municipality Secretary-General.   
