Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

World Arabic Language Day

Important News , Press Kit ,
Added on - 2017/12/18  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/12/18

       لغتي وأفخر إذ بليت بحبها

                                          فهي الجمال وفصلها التبيان.

       عربية لا شك أن يبــــانـــها

                                          مبتسم في ثـغره القـــــــرآن.

The favor of the Holy Qur’an is known by who knew the Arab’s language in introducing the sciences of language, Arabic and rhetoric, and in dealing with the Arab’s poems, speeches and features, in their strength points and messages; That is where people knew the interesting benefits of the science of Qur’an.

The Arabic language is considered on of the Semitic languages (which are the languages of the Fertile Crescent ancient civilization) and one of the most widely-spread languages around the world, as it is the first civilized and most ancient language in the world.

The Characteristics of the Arabic Language:

1- The breadth of the Arabic language: In the Arabic language, there are a lot of synonyms that have implications in nouns and adjectives, which is hard to be found in other languages.

2- The Arabic language is build on coherent roots: The roots are the (past, present, and imperative).

3- It is the language which was chosen by Allah: The Holy Qur’an was sent down in Arabic, as Allah was saying to his prophet:

(فَإِنَّمَا يَسَّرْنَاهُ بِلِسَانِكَ لِتُبَشِّرَ بِهِ الْمُتَّقِينَ وَتُنْذِرَ بِهِ قَوْمًا لُدًّا) Surat Maryam, verse 97
Mustafa Sadeq Al-Rafai said: ((إن اللغة مظهر من مظاهر التاريخ، والتاريخ صفة الأمة. كيفما قلّبت أمر اللغة من حيث اتصالها بتاريخ الأمة واتصال الأمة بها-وجدتها الصفة الثابتة التي لا تزول إلا بزوال الجنسية وانسلاخ الأمة من تاريخها)).

The challenges faced the Arabic language:

  1. Replacing the colloquial language with the standard one.
  2. Developing the standard language to approach the colloquial one.
  3. The attack against the Arabic letters and calls for using the Latin letters instead.
  4. Dropping the declension in written and pronouncing.
  5. Calling on dumping the Arabic language in a flood of foreign expressions.
  6. Trying to apply the approaches of the European languages on the Arabic language and study the dialects and colloquial language.

Websites and networks to benefit from in such a field: Alfaseeh Network for Sciences of Arabic Language

Databases to benefit from in such a field:


1- The impact of globalization on the Arabic language (article - periodical) Author/ Waleed Abdul Hadi.

Journal: Studies of Human and Social Sciences

2- The risks that menaces the counteraction to the Arabic language (article - periodical) Author/ A’asem Al-Masry.

Journal: The Arabic Future

3- The Fundamental Rules of the Arabic Language (E-Book) Author/ Amal Attia.

4- Linguistics: A Theoretical Introduction to the Arabic Language (E-Book) Author/ Mahmoud Okasha.

Maha Elwy Boqas - Public Relations - Girls Section

