Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Community Service College Celebrates Graduation of Affiliated Female Students

Added on - 2017/05/30  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/05/30


College of Community Service and Continuing Education represented by the Affiliate program at the females section has organized an honoring ceremony for the outstanding affiliated female students for the academic year 1437/1348 H at the headquarters of Designs College at Al-Mansour Street. 

The celebration included distribution of gifts and shields to the outstanding female students who in turn presented two shields to the Vice Dean of the Community College for the Affiliate Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shokri Zamazami in recognition of his efforts and support to the affiliated female students in their academic march and the Executive Supervisor of the Affiliate program at the College of D'awa and Islamic Theology Dr. Batool Barnawi.

On this occasion, the College of Community Service and Continuing Education extended sincere thanks to the Deputy  Female Supervisors of Affiliate Program, the Executive Female Supervisors in the colleges involved in the affiliate program and the affiliated female students in the university branches at Al-Shisha, Al-Mansour Street and Rea Zhakhir.


In this regard, the College of Community Service and Continuing Education  extends its sincere congratulations to all the graduates female students for the academic year 1437/1438 H wishing them all success in their future endeavors. 
