Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

HE UQU President Opens a Seminar

Participations , Featured news , Events ,
Added on - 2016/04/27  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/04/27

HE UQU President, Dr. Bakri bin Maatouq Assas opened on Wednesday 19/07/1437 H the scientific seminar organized by UQU, represented in the Faculty of Shari’a and Islamic Studies, in collaboration with the General Presidency for the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Masjid Affairs, entitled “The Grand Mosque, its virtues, rulings and  etiquette”, in the presence of the President of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Masjid Affairs, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdulaziz Al-Sadis  and the participation of their excellency and their eminence and members of  Senior Scholars.

The rhetorical ceremony that took place at King Abdulaziz Historic Hall , at UQU Campus at Abedia, opened with reciting some verses from the Holy Quran, then the Dean of the Faculty of Shari’a and Islamic Studies, head of the organizing committee, Dr. Ghazi bin Murshid Al-Otaibi gave a speech in which he stated that the rapid changes that we are living today and the transformation that occurred in the social, economic and technical patterns had its impact on the nature of the issues faced by the scholars in the behavioral, religious, financial, medical, and family issues as well as  other affairs of life, such as circling in the basement, using mobile phones in the Grand Mosque, the link between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa and the Grand Mosques, making facility contracts, such as leasing cars, and other issues that require scholars and faithful people to do their utmost to know the rulings concerning the juristic matters, guided by the light of the shari’a, its comprehensive and partial evidences, so as to make people happy, do what’s in their interest, ward off evil, present feasible solutions, give answers concerning all events and issues no matter how circumstances and situations change, and no matter what befalls us.

He pointed out that UQU, represented in the Faculty of Shari’a and Islamic Studies, collaborated with the General presidency for the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Masjid Affairs, to hold a symposium entitled “The Grand Mosque, its virtues, rulings and  etiquette”, to study some juristic matters concerning the Grand Mosque and discussions by researchers, in addition to the definition of the virtues of the Grand Mosque, as well as its public and private etiquettes, because this makes us venerate it more and help us to maintain its sanctity and keep its sacredness (And whoever honors the symbols of Allah - indeed, it is from the piety of hearts).

Dr. Al-Otaiby requested the academic entities, institutions and scientific centers to perform their mission towards the community, and enhance their social role through research, studies and make participation in reforming society an important part of its responsibility and give it the care and interest it deserves. He concluded his speech by thanking HE UQU President, Dr. Bakri Bin Maatouq Assas, for motivating UQU and its staff to hold seminars, activities and scientific programs, and also to the President of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Masjid Affairs, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdulaziz Al-Sadis  for his initiative to hold this seminar within UQU.

In the same context, the President of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Masjid Affairs, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdulaziz Al-Sadis pointed out that “The Grand Mosque, its virtues, rulings and  etiquette” seminar comes as part of the cooperation and collaboration between the presidency and UQU, so as to serve the Two Holy Mosques and their visitors, to elevate their mission to the aspirations of the wise leader – may Allah guide him – and to take advantage of the scientific cadres from all specializations that our universities are teeming with, and conducting scientific studies and researches concerning the most honorable venue and sacred place, in order to fulfill the objectives that serve the nation, making people aware of the prestige of the Grand Mosque, pointing out its virtues and etiquette, for example shedding light  on the religious provisions concerning the Grand Mosque, especially the juristic rules and jurisprudential developments, among which is linking the nation to its sanctuaries and caring for them and all their affairs through the wise directions of the rulers – may Allah protect them. He expressed his gratitude to the prudent leadership for its support and guidance, and to the Prince of the region for his interest and care and also to HE the Minister of Education Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Eissa for his approval of holding this seminar, and to UQU Presidnet Dr. Bakri Bin Maatouq Assas and the Dean of the Faculty of Shari’a and Islamic Studies, Dr. Ghazi Al-Otaibi.

He said also that the seminar discusses the jurisprudential provisions that have to do with the Grand Mosque, that are derived from Shari’a. He also pointed out that the Grand Mosque visitors are in bad need of these enlightening, scientific and jurisprudential seminars that aim to elevate their embarrassment by making use of the Shari’a provisions derived from the Quran and Sunnah, paying much attention to facilitation. Accordingly, he stated that he hoped that the participants will come out with useful recommendations that would benefit the Two Holy Mosques through the participation of jurisprudential councils in this respect, in order for all to reach a scientific elite from which a scientific committee is formed, that aims to study the Grand Mosque in all its historic, jurisprudential, doctrinal, and architectural aspects.

The President expressed his gratitude to the wise leader  may Allah protect him – for the care and interest he shows to the Two Grand Mosques, as well as his endless support to these two holy mosques and their visitors. He hoped that the seminar will come out with fruitful outcome and useful recommendations that would be to the benefit and service of the Two Holy Mosques and their visitors. HE asked Allah to keep this country’s faith, safety, security and leadership and to combine all hearts on the Holy Quran and Sunnah, for Allah is gracious.

This speech was followed by UQU President, Dr. Bakri Bin Maatouq Assas’ speech, in which he spoke of the holiness of the venue that Allah chose for His Grand Mosque, namely Umm Al-Qura, and how God singled it out due to its holiness, prestige and grandeur. He quoted verses from the Holy Quran to describe both the physical and spiritual connection with this holy place, the first is the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him “Make the hearts of some people incline towards them” and the second is the verse of Allah, “ When We made the House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security”.

He went on saying, “I seek not to research the virtues of this good, holy land, for the papers of this seminar tell enough, but I wanted to point here to its “purity”, for Allah wanted it to be pure of rebellion, aggression and hatred.”

He continued, “Rebellion happens by means of  infidelity, permitting what is forbidden and all evils, Allah warned in His holy verse, “and all who seek to profane it by deliberate evildoing: all such shall We cause to taste grievous suffering in the life to come. As regards aggression, Allah restricted it completely. “Our Lord! I have settled a part of my offspring in an uncultivable valley by Your Sacred House.”, so the Lord banned going into battles there, as well as carrying weapons unless it’s a dire need. He also banned its game, plants, taking from it and banned the impostors from entering it.

He added, “as regards hatred, when Prophet Mohammed, peace and prayer be upon him, said on the day he entered Makkah, “You are free to go”, this suggested that Makkah is not for hatred or settle scores. Allah allowed that Muslims from all over the world get together in it as brothers on equal stance, hence filling their hearts with love and purifying them from hatred and abhorrence; it’s purity in essence, that you can never find in any other place.”

He also talked in his speech about the role of UQU, through the Faculty of Shari’a and Islamic Studies and its improvement of Shari’a sciences and language for 7 decades, as well as the role it plays in serving the Grand Mosque, on levels of imamate, public speaking, education and guidance, being home to thousands of prominent persons and scientists, in addition to UQU providing architectural advise in building it, as well as scientific research in all issues concerning its visitors. No wonder that this prestigious university is keen to hold a seminar that focuses on the virtues of the Grand Mosque and its provisions, in collaboration with the General Presidency for the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Masjid Affairs.

At the end of his speech, UQU President thanked the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud – may Allah keep him – and his wise government for the efforts they spent and still are spending for the Grand Mosque that is immortalized by history. He also thanked HRH Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Chancellor and Prince of Makkah, Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, who deserves to be in Makkah and HE Minister of Education who approved of having this seminar. HE also commended the efforts exerted by the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Masjid Affairs, headed by Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdulaziz Al-Sadis, for its collaboration with UQU. Moreover, he praised the Faculty of Shari’a and those in charge of it for organizing this seminar. 
