Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Registration for Companies and Institutions Offering the Services of the Premium Discount Card

     From : - 2021/09/05 م , To : - 2026/02/06 م

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    Basic Data

    * Name of the company or institution

    * Name of the coordinator of the company/ institution

    * Mobile number


    * Email

    * Introduce your commercial activity

    * Commercial registry number

    * Tax register number

    * Location of the company/ institution or the head office of the company/ institution

    Allowed extensions : mp3, wav, wma, mp4, wmv, avi, flv, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, 7z, csv, doc, docx, gz, gzip, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx, zip
    Allowed Size : 8024

    * Number of branches

    * Percentage of discounts offered




    * Category


    If you select ‘Others’, please state the category below.
