Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Quran Course 2

- 2018/04/05

Course of the Holy Quran (605201)

Title: The Holy Quran

Number: 201

Hours: Two Units/ Week

Curriculum Topics:

  1. Recitation:

Recitation of the third quarter of the Quran (from Surat Al-Kahf till the end of the Surat Fater), and abidance by the Tajweed Rules taught to students in the first semester.

  1. Difficult Vocabulary of the Quran:

Explanation of the difficult vocabulary in the aforementioned part of the Quran.

Reference: Ghareeb Al-Quran (Difficulty in the Quran) by Ar-Ragheb Al-Asfahany, or Kalemat Al-Quran (Vocabulary of the Quran) by Sheikh/ Hasanein Muhammad Makhlouf.

  1. Tajweed Rules:


  • Emission points (makhārij al-ḥurūf) and the manner of articulation (ṣifat al-ḥurūf) of the letters.
  • idgham mutamathilayn, mutajanesayn and mutaqaribayn  (labial merging)
  • Dark and light “Raa” (R).
  • Waqf (Consonance) and Ibtidaa (Commencement): full, sufficient, good and bad.
  • Approved and disputed silences.
  • The seven “Alefs” (/a/): fixed by consonance and omitted by connection.


Al-Burhan Fi Tajweed Al-Quran (Proof in the Intonation of the Holy Quran) by Sheikh/ Muhammad As-Sadeq Qamhawy.

Other References:

  • Al-Ameed (The Dean) by Sheikh/ Mahmoud Ali Bissah.
  • Hidayat Al-Qary Ila Tajweed Kalam Al-Bary (Reader’s Guide to the Intonation of God’s Speech) by Sheikh/ Abdulfattah Al-Marsify.
  • Nihayat Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed Fi Elm Al-Tajweed (The Best in Tajweed) by Sheikh/ Muhammad Makki Nasr.


  1. Memorization:

Students shall continue the memorization of the assignment in Level1+ the whole 29th Juzu’ (Chapter).   


