Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Graduates' Opinion about the Program Quality

     From : - 2018/05/13 م , To : - 2030/05/08 م

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    Dear University Graduate

     Umm Al-Qura University extends to you the best regards. Due to the importance of your role in developing your university, it is important to know your opinion about your educational experience at the university through the questionnaire. With sincere thanks and appreciation.

    General Information

    * Graduation Year

    * From which College did you graduate?

    * select department

     Program or Major

    * Academic Qualification

    * Gender

    Means of Communication

    * Name

     Office Phone

    * Email

    Job Information

    * What is your work sector?

     If you do not work, what are the reasons?

     To what extent your job and major are relevant?

     Did you benefit from your major in achieving your job tasks?

     How do you evaluate the role of the educational environment in qualifying you for your job?

    Information about the Current Employer

     Employment Year

     Name of the Current Employer

     Current Employer's Address

     Current Employer's Email

     Current Employer's Contact Information

     Current Work City

     select city


     Depending on your work experience, what does the labour market require from the graduate and the university program needs to strengthen in the students?

     Any other suggestions?
