Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Request for Academic Recommendation

Request for Academic Recommendation

     From : - 2019/10/04 م , To : - 2050/10/07 م

There is a saved copy of this form. Do not forget to submit the form after completing all the required fields to reset the saved form. Click here

    Request for academic recommendation for the graduates only

    * Full name, identical to that written in the passport (English)

    Please write your name in English, same as written in the passport and the graduation document.

    * Are you expected to graduate?

    * Official university email

    Please check the email; no request will be accepted if it does not include the UQU domain name. The recommendation will be sent via email.

    * Mobile number

    Please write the mobile number in the form: 966 XXXXXXXXX.

    * Academic course

    Please write the courses required for the recommendation.

    * Course porfessor

    Please state your course professor

    * Academic record

    Please attach your full academic record

    Allowed extensions : mp3, wav, wma, mp4, wmv, avi, flv, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, 7z, csv, doc, docx, gz, gzip, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx, zip
    Allowed Size : 1024
